I have tried to go straight without reloads but with Ascension/Tactics mods (heh, it's Improved Illych for starters!), but I haven't been able to get far. Improved Mae'var, Improved Illych, Improved Torgal, Improved Troll Lair in Druid Grove, Improved Liches in the City (excluding Kangaxx and his new guard-crew) are all manageable early-on battles, but somehow I often manage to get myself killed
And there's another thing I noticed; I rarely get my whole party killed unless the enemy is hopelessly beyond my level (e.g. trying Ponty at level 12 or something). I know the first-person perspective is a cornerstone of RPGs, but sometimes I wish I could die and be raised just like Jaheira dies (her saving throws are pretty bad early on) and can be resurrected to rejoin the battle. If death of the protagonist didn't automatically mean Game Over, I think my battle win-to-lose will be significantly higher.
What are people's thoughts on this?