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What to do with this quest? (Spoiler?)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:28 pm
by arno_v
Today I was walking across the Dren Plantation hoping to find something usefull, and I spoke with a slave, I got the option to talk about the subject "travel together". I did that and he asked me if he should follow me or wait there. I asked him to follow me and then he said he wanted to go to some farmhouse, the name I forgot but I couldn't find the farmhouse. Did anyone did this quest and know what I should do, it would be obvious to bring him to that farmhouse but who is in that house and why does he wants to go there?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 2:56 pm
by Monolith
Hey, I have to check this out. I can't remember such a quest!

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:00 pm
by Dark Master
The farmhouse in question is about 3 cells diagonally north east of where you are, and you don't get a reward that I know of unless you were given the quest by another source ie, you were meant to rescue this slave as part of a different quest, so if you ever come to do the quest you'll get a reward. Hope that makes sense.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 7:46 am
by arno_v
Thanks, I thought it would be something like that, it being part of an other quest. Whats that bout Twin Lamps I read somewhere he was in St Delyn but does he gives you quests, caus I like to free slaves :D ?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 10:30 pm
by Bloodthroe
Thats actually not what the quest is about. I've finished it. I can't remember where the farm is, just right of the direction I was talking to him in. He's not really a slave. Ask him about twin lamps, he has no idea what your talking about. He's actually an assassin sent to kill the farmer, just lost... When you take him to the farmer, he reveals himself. You then have a choice to help the farmer or be killed with him. If you kill the assassin you get to loot his cheap body.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 8:42 am
by UncleScratchy
Twin Lamps quests (spoiler)


This is one of the slave quests you get from the Dren woman (daughter of Duke Dren). She is in St. Deylns canton in Vivic - I think #1 South. Its the middle door. Easiest way to find her is to go to the Vivic temple canton and head north across the bridge to St. Deylns. Veer left and head for the center door. She is working to improve the lives of everyone in MW so she gives you other quests besides slave rescuing. You have to have freed enough slaves and gotten the secret Twin Lamps password before she will talk to you. You may want to talk to the lizard bookseller (Jobasha?) in the Foreign Quarters also. He is a member of the Twin Lamps as well. The HQ of the Twin Lamps is in Ebonheart (Argonian Mission). Go there and explore the flooded basement and talk to the escaped slave, then talk to the head lizard. If you are doing the Imperial Cult alms quests the Argonian will give you 200 gold instead of 100 if you know about the escaped slave beforehand. On a side note, there is a Imperial Legion quest to recover a Maiden's Token (glove). Well, its the Dren gals glove that you are trying to recover (in a cave with a Telvanni sorceress in the Sheogorad region). I'm not sure if you have to belong to House Hlaalu to get the slave quests or not. There is also a quest from Gentleman Jim Stacey that involves the Dren woman - has to do with recovering a ring from the slave trader in Sadrith Mora.