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First Time Through..

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 11:38 am
by Laeelin
I'm not worried about the power of the party, but instead wanting to konw what NPC's would ya'll recomend as the most intresting/fun for the stories.

I do want Minsc just because I like him, but other than that I'm open to whatever.

I would like to see some romances btw =)

Please let me knwo what ya'll would recomend =)

ps: I would like to keep the same people most of the time if possible =)

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 11:50 am
by Astafas
Minsc, Jan and Anomen would give you very funny dialogues for sure. Jaheira's romance is the best IMO, and her personal quest is the most extensive of the romance alternatives. You haven't mentioned which class you're gonna play, so it's hard to give a recommendation for the last NPC. Could you give some more info?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 12:22 pm
by Laeelin
I was planning on picking the main character to fill in whatever is needed.

I really dont have much of a preffrence personally. =)

( Well Cleric Dueled to Mage is my favorite, but I have a solo game with a claric/mage already. )

If there is no particular class needed I'll probally do a Bard because i've never done one before =)

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 12:42 pm
by TheDude
i'd go with aerie instead of jaheira for a romance she's much nicer :D and a powerhouse spellcaster
and pick up mazzy or keldorn since you're gonna play a bard an extra tank is usefull.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 12:53 pm
by TheDude
i'd go with aerie instead of jaheira for a romance she's much nicer :D and a powerhouse spellcaster
and pick up mazzy or keldorn since you're gonna play a bard an extra tank is usefull.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 1:12 pm
by nephtu

It's perfectly possible to go with a core group of 5 and cycle the various other NPCs through for their individual quests. It'll give you a chance to find out whose interactions YOU like.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 1:35 pm
by Vicsun
My advice:

Leave those boards and don't return until you've finished the game. Even if you carefully avoid all the 'spoiler' threads, you'd still be spoiled, mainly because most people don't bother posting spoiler tags for anything but the most serious of spoilers.
As for the party, again, do what you find most intuitive. There are certain party members who don't get along toghether but that adds to the atmosphere IMO. Also if you pick your party roughly according to the alignment you're playing (you don't want to mix a bloodthirsty chaotic evil dwarf with a, lets say, vulnerable little Lawful Good elf... it makes little sense from a roleplaying point of view) your party should get along just fine

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 1:46 pm
by Incertainty
Well, Viscun is right off course... But still, here's a little basic info to get you started. If you don't want any of this, stop reading NOW.

I really like Jaheira and Minsc. Minsc is insanely funny, a good fighter, and he fits my eternal goody-two shoes approach to things. And yes that means I've never tried an evil party. As for Jaheira, she's a fighter too - not extremely good, but not bad either- and she's a druis as well, which means good healing and nice summons. Also, I just like Jaheira. Nice background, very ... well I don't know... her reminiscing about things, her though-but-not-so though-as-she-seems atitude... Nice romance, nice quests... I really can't seem to find anything bad about her. Early in the game, you can find one of the best characters in the game, the mage/thief Jan. I prefer not to use him, for reasons I'll not mention as they include a big spoiler. You can also get an extremely good evil elven cleric early in the game, and even though she's evil, it's more a thing of how she was raised than how she really is... so if you're playing a good party (as in not evil) like I do, there's no problem in including her (like I do). Hope this helps...

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 2:22 pm
by Luis Antonio

Try soloing right after finishing the game.

It is a whole new experience, I can assure you :D

and welcome aboard LAELIN! :D

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 3:15 pm
by Astafas
Bard is an excellent choise!!

Bard - All weapons, Mage spells, Familiar, Instruments, Use Any Item, (Enhanced!) Bard Song, good personal quest...

Jaheira - Druid Spells (cause you want a bit of everything, right?), Romance interest, interesting personal quest

Minsc - Main tank, funny dialogues, Boo (could perhaps be replaced in ToB)

Jan - Extremely useful (Thief and Specialist Wiz in one!), best dialogues of them all, and as the saying go: Never leave home, without your Gnome!

Anomen - One of the best characters by far, amazing Fighter/Cleric combo.

Edwin - Best Mage there is! A cool character with a good personal quest.

Believe me, with this party you'll have a hell of a time! And lots and lots of nice NPC dialogues, which is what makes this game so good!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 4:48 pm
by VonDondu
For the best dialogue and stories, I recommend:


Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 7:52 pm
by Kaitsuburi
Originally posted by Vicsun
Leave those boards and don't return until you've finished the game.
I'd second that :D Play at least once unspoiled before getting the GameBanshee BG2 discussion bug ;)


Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 11:43 pm
by Coot
I can't believe nobody has mentioned Viconia yet! She's an original character and very powerful. She is of evil alignment but suits a good aligned party very well if you try to romance her. And the romance is quite interesting... more so than the others, IMHO.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 6:26 am
by Vicsun
Originally posted by VonDondu
For the best dialogue and stories, I recommend:


Hmm... I might be wrong, but wouldn't two of the members of this party try to kill eachother?

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 6:51 am
by Astafas
Originally posted by Vicsun
Hmm... I might be wrong, but wouldn't two of the members of this party try to kill eachother?

Not necessarily - it's random. Thus, you could always reload...

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 9:42 am
by Vicsun
Originally posted by Astafas
Not necessarily - it's random. Thus, you could always reload...

I always thought it was on a timer...

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 9:50 am
by Numinor
It is on a global timer, so reloading wouldn't work since the timer always runs out at the same time in a game (though the exact time may differ from game to game, there is some randomness involved).
I think I read somewhere that the fight might not trigger if the timer happens to run out when one of the involved characters is in a serious "personality crisis" :D (I think most of you here know what I mean, but I don't want to spoil anyone ;) )