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Ruad mod-problems

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 6:47 pm
by Mulligan
Hi all. :)

I have a problem with installing Ruad, the merchant/upgrade items mod.

It comes with an auto installer and asks 'first' if i want to install TOB components. I say no since i only have SOA at the moment. Then it asks if i want to install SOA only and i say yes, but get lots of errors after110/110 files and they uninstall themselves and i'm back to "Do you want...SOA only" again.

I also have Cloe, Tashia, ItemUpgr, EaseofUse, HappyScr, MultiStronghold & BagBonus installed and they all work fine at the moment.

Anyone else had problems with Ruad ???

I installed SOA fresh and applied the patch from GB directly. Then i started modding. GB forum advise this, but is it different with Ruad ?? Must it come first ? Last ?

If anyone can help i'd be thrilled, i'm crazy about new equipment and i've decided to play through it on 'hard/insane' before trying the Tactics mod.

And thanks for the best BG forum ! :D

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:34 pm
by Kaitsuburi
I'd say install it earlier on (after the patch). Also, check if you have any ToB-required mods. Those might be causing a problem. Oh, and definitely get ToB ~~ you won't regret it!


ps. the "Robe of Resistance" is buggy in my experience; other items work well.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:18 pm
by Mulligan
Thanks for the fast reply :D

I might just do that, uninstall and apply Ruad first.

Anyhow, i'm happy with ItemUpgrade as well, and so far those items haven't been to cheesy/overpowered IMO.

I'm definetely getting TOB.....AGAIN....Urgh...

The thruth (and very SAD story) is i always had it, but i lent it to a friend while i was hopelessy immersed in TOEE, and he lost it for me.

Stupid of me not to have a backup of it. Stupid-stupid-stupid me.
I normally do have backups of all my titles. Oh well, i'm sure i'll be able to get it a lot cheaper now than last time (brand new, full-price).

It'll be the first time i buy a game twice, but for BG2 it's worth it :D

Thanks :) :) :)

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 1:41 am
by lompo
The last upgrade (v20) of Ruad caused problems to me too, so now I stick with the previous (v19) and it works ok.