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Draconis made easy! Spoiler

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2001 8:07 am
by Mini Me
I recently killed draconis at ABazigal's lair. It took me 2 tries. I would have posted this on the strategy guide section but there wasn't a page for draconis, so here it is:

Get your mage to cast a spell trigger. Put into in this order:lower MR, greater malison and feeblemind. Then, cast farsight where Draconis should be. Tel your mage to cast the spell trigger on him. He wont turn hostil because the spell will be off before he can. His MR is quite low already so, and the malison will lower his save v spells, so the feeblemind will probably get off on him. Hack him apart. However, he will not turn into dragon when feebleminded, so when you think you have done enough dmg to kill the human form, , equip Carsomyr (you shouldn't have been using it because it dispels the feeblemind) or if you dont have it, use dispel magic on him. He will morph now. Before doing that, cast another spell trigger of exactly the same description, and when he morphs, cast it. If it fails, keep your warriors on him, and cast another spell triger. It should work this time. NOTE: the mage I used was lvl 21, and so had the right number of spells. You may need to load once or twice :D

Enjoy hacking him apart. I sure did.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2001 11:08 am
by Quitch
Wrong forum my friend.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2001 12:50 pm
by reedimus
no mini me, we don't eat our kitties.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2001 1:19 pm
by Mini Me
Really sorry I posted this on the wrong forum. Noticed only a couple of days afterwards.
Reedimus, I REALLY do NOT understand your post. Please enlighten me.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2001 1:26 pm
It's a line from the movie Austin Powers 2 The Spy who Shagged Me, which has a character in it named mini me. There's a scene where Dr. Evil and Mini Me his clone are sitting there in their matching outfits, and they each have a cat, Mini Me starts trying to bite the cat's ear, and Dr. Evil turns to him and says "No, Mini Me. We don't eat our kitties."