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rohk transmuter trouble.. help please.. i cant cause any damage

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 5:29 pm
by bpitterl
i cant kill the rohk trasmuter in the first level of the dungeon in windespear hills. no matter what i do i cant cause any damage to it. ive tried using both breach and spell thrust and they have no effect. is there another type of spell or weapon i could use to cause damage. i have the same problem with the crimson vampire thing nearby in the same area.


Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 5:40 pm
by DaJir
get a magical weapon. plenty of +3 weapons you can get with minimal fuss. Hell, you can steal/buy a nifty +3 axe in copper cornet after you free the gladiators, and buy that +4 staff from Adventurers Mart.
he's immune to magic, so don't even bother. Haven't tried lower resistance on him, but i doubt if it would work, and even if it did he's not worth cast'n it on. Shapechange to that gnoll thing with the hally (polymorph self, the most underated spell in the game) if you're solo'n a caster and don't have the cash to buy that staff. Not sure if +2 weapons work, but i guess its worth a try.

[ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: DaJir ]

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 7:05 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Rukh is a rakasha, and better than liches they are immune to level 8 or lower spells. liches are immune to level 6 and below, I think. anyway, cast inc cloud or use skellies. They only carry +1 bastard swords, but ehir obscene native thaco will whack him easy.

inc clous is aslo the only spell I know that will interrupt lich spell cast. at high levels it totally beats meteor and fire storm.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 1:50 am
by Sailor Saturn
I had my Clerics create those magic hammers(*can't remember the name of the spell*) to kill him.