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Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 9:42 am
by Incertainty
You need him to get inside the Planar Sphere. Now, I don't really want to add him to my current (6-member) party, and killing him just seems, well... not suited to my goody two-shoes approach to the game. Is there any other way? Or am I forced to temporarily kick someone out?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 9:59 am
by nephtu

You could just summon his body, Item code MISC7L with CLUA or SK.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 10:21 am
by Incertainty
By the way, is killing him considered an evil act by the game? Are there party members responding badly to it? As in, Mazzy, Jaheira, Minsc, Viconia, or Yoshimo? Mazzy or Jaheira seem the most likely candidates. If not, I'll probably kick out Mazzy for a while.

Also, do you need him to enter or to open the Sphere? What I mean is, can you have him in your party, enter, exit, kick him out, and come back with your regular party? Now that I think of it, if you need him every time you want to enter, I'm probably going to have to keep him around forever if I want my stronghold. I guess that would make Mazzy's time travelling with me extremely short-lived. :D

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 11:07 am
by Numinor
Originally posted by Incertainty
By the way, is killing him considered an evil act by the game? Are there party members responding badly to it? As in, Mazzy, Jaheira, Minsc, Viconia, or Yoshimo? Mazzy or Jaheira seem the most likely candidates. If not, I'll probably kick out Mazzy for a while.

Also, do you need him to enter or to open the Sphere? What I mean is, can you have him in your party, enter, exit, kick him out, and come back with your regular party? Now that I think of it, if you need him every time you want to enter, I'm probably going to have to keep him around forever if I want my stronghold. I guess that would make Mazzy's time travelling with me extremely short-lived. :D

Yes, I think Mazzy will leave your party forever if you kill him. But don't worry, you only need him to open the sphere when you enter it for the first time, then you can kick him out and take whoever you left behind back in.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 11:16 am
by Incertainty
Ok, thnx. I guess it will make for a lot of travelling though... Amn-Umar Hills-Amn-Umar Hills-Amn ;)

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:19 pm
by Astafas
Originally posted by Incertainty
Ok, thnx. I guess it will make for a lot of travelling though... Amn-Umar Hills-Amn-Umar Hills-Amn ;)

Why don't you temporarily kick out Minsc or Yoshi? Both are fetchable at CC...

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 5:05 pm
by Incertainty
Ok, explain this to me thoroughly... who do I kick out, where can I retrieve them, etc...

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 7:05 pm
by Mulligan
Start your journey by asking Minsc or Yoshi to leave, then tell thim to go to the Copper Coronet and wait for you.

Travel directly to Umar Hills and pick up Valgyar, then return directly to the Slums.

Open the Sphere-door with Valgyar, enter it and ask him to leave. Since your inside he won't return to his Cabin in Umar but wait for you inside the sphere forever. This saves you some travel-time if you need him later.

Now exit and enter the Copper Coronet. Minsc or Yoshi will be there waiting for you as you asked. Bingo.

This should take less than 2 minutes in real time, and you also has access to Valgyar from the Slums.

I fact all Npc's will stay inside the Sphere forever if dropped inside, so you could add everyone and drop them all in the sphere so you have access to them all from one place.

Have Fun :) :) :)

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 8:53 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Be careful about who you kick out. If you don't have any other Thief with you, especially if they don't have as many points in 'Detect/Disarm Trap' and 'Open Lock' as Yoshimo, then definitely keep take out Minsc. Valygar can just about cover Minsc's role. Vally can backstab almost as good as Yoshimo, but he can't handle traps or locks, which the former will be a nasty problem. Sure, a cleric can detect traps, but someone's got to be able to disarm them.

BTW, what is your character, Incertainty.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 8:48 am
by Astafas
Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
Be careful about who you kick out. If you don't have any other Thief with you, especially if they don't have as many points in 'Detect/Disarm Trap' and 'Open Lock' as Yoshimo, then definitely keep take out Minsc. Valygar can just about cover Minsc's role. Vally can backstab almost as good as Yoshimo, but he can't handle traps or locks, which the former will be a nasty problem. Sure, a cleric can detect traps, but someone's got to be able to disarm them.

BTW, what is your character, Incertainty.

You're missing the point here, he will only have Valygar for the travel from Umar to the Sphere. Once the door is opened, he can kick Valygar out and fetch Yoshi or Minsc at CC before enetering the Sphere.

There is actually no need to travel with an incomplete party from Atkathla to Umar either - it's possible to ask either Minsch or Yoshi to go to CC when you're adding Valygar to the group.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 10:29 am
by VonDondu
Originally posted by Incertainty
By the way, is killing him considered an evil act by the game? Are there party members responding badly to it?
Uh, yes, it's considered an evil act whether you are inside or outside the game. :) In the game, your Reputation won't suffer for it since Valygar is "officially" an outlaw, but any character who kills him can be considered evil (or gullible if he or she really believes the Cowled Wizards' side of the story).

And yes, several NPCs in your party will "react badly" to it. I don't remember all of the reactions. Your character's Charisma and Reputation might have an effect. But I do know that Mazzy and Keldorn will attack you if you try to kill Valygar. I think Nalia will leave the party. Minsc and Aerie will question your decision, but they put blind faith in your character because they are so naive and they will help you kill Valygar if you assure them it's the right thing to do. I'm not sure about Jaheira; I think she might attack you, too. If I recall correctly, Anomen calls Valygar a liar and agrees to help you kill him.

I learned those things by looking at the dialogue files with Infinity Explorer. Unfortunately, I don't have the game installed at the moment so I can't check them again.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 10:44 am
by Incertainty
My character? Kensai dualled to mage yet to recover abilities (7/9)

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 12:59 am
by Incertainty
Question: If you only use Valygar to enter the sphere and then kick him out, will you still be able to fight Tolgerias inside? Also, I've been thinking... which do you think is best - Mazzy or Valygar?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 1:14 am
by kopywrite
Originally posted by Incertainty
Question: If you only use Valygar to enter the sphere and then kick him out, will you still be able to fight Tolgerias inside? Also, I've been thinking... which do you think is best - Mazzy or Valygar?

You can open the door then kick him don't even have to enter the place with him. The encounters are all the same except for some dialogue if he's in the group or not.

As for Valy or Mazzy, with the right gear they're both very effective characters, but then again so is everybody. Depends on your style of play really, Val for stealth and backstabs whereas Maz is custom built to be a ranged attack expert. If you had both, Val gets a few more (slightly) interesting dialogues than he would normally.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 6:08 pm
by Incertainty
Or Anomen? Thing is, I need a good (as in not evil) fighter to fill out my current party. I now have Mazzy in this role, but I'm still having doubts.
Current party: Kensai/Mage, Jaheira, Minsc, Viconia, Yoshimo (will be replaced by Imoen), Mazzy
I was thinking Mazzy, Valygar or Anomen. Keldorn is impossible because of Viconia.
What do you say?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 6:28 pm
by Aqua-chan
I would only use Mazzy as a middle-line warrior, simply due to the fact that she's primarily an archer focused NPC. If it's a front liner you want (everyone knows) I would suggest Anomen (: D), but I have also taken Valygar, and he is just as able. The only problem I have with Valygar is that I vaguely remember him having some sort of armor/weapon restriction that ticked me off to the point where I didn't want him anymore, if I recall correctly.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 11:04 pm
by UserUnfriendly
I keep selling his that bad of me??? :D :D :D

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 12:57 am
by lompo
Having already Vic. you don't need Anomen;
you have already a strong melee party with Minsc and Jaheira and you K/M, so you are not in need of another front line fighter, that said both Mazzi and Valigar are good char, although I prefer Valigar because is more flexible: hide in shadows and backstab (and find traps with the spell) and he is the best backstabber of the game, he can be a very good ranged support (although noit as Mazzy) and he is a great secondary melee fighter (not a front liner because he lacks AC).
But with your party I throw another suggestion: haw about a sorcerer? You lack in arcane magic (the K/M is more melee oriented and Imoen will be short of exp. for a while) and a sorc. (Kelsey/Tashia) is very powerfull.
Remember that at high lev the best tanks are summons.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 12:33 pm
by Incertainty
Originally posted by lompo
Having already Vic. you don't need Anomen;
you have already a strong melee party with Minsc and Jaheira and you K/M, so you are not in need of another front line fighter, that said both Mazzi and Valigar are good char, although I prefer Valigar because is more flexible: hide in shadows and backstab (and find traps with the spell) and he is the best backstabber of the game, he can be a very good ranged support (although noit as Mazzy) and he is a great secondary melee fighter (not a front liner because he lacks AC).
But with your party I throw another suggestion: haw about a sorcerer? You lack in arcane magic (the K/M is more melee oriented and Imoen will be short of exp. for a while) and a sorc. (Kelsey/Tashia) is very powerfull.
Remember that at high lev the best tanks are summons.

Probably so, but I am currently playing an unmodded game. I don't have all that much experience with mods, and even though isn't my first run of the game, I'd still like to finish this one without any mods. Besides, if you get Imoen at the correct time (exp-wise), you can keep her from lagging too far behind, no? Three mages just seems a bit much... Besides, in the unmodded game I'm currently playing, I could only go for Edwin. I don't think my current party would have much sympathy for the self-centered prick :D . Will have to try an evil party next time... But you do make me wonder about what the best addition might be. I've got one tank(Minsc), two fighters(Jaheira and PC), two healers(Jaheira and Viconia), a mage(PC), and a thief(Yoshimo). Yoshimo will be replaced by Imoen, so that makes two mages, a melee-orientated one (though he can still summon and do everything a mage can, he'll just be doing it to a lesser degree), and Imoen, who's pretty much a 'pure mage'. Maybe Viconia can be counted as a fighter as well... I guess if Jaheira counts, she does too. Maybe I could take Jan along? It would make fo two thieves, but it would also give me another -powerfull- mage. I've been thinking about Haer'Dalis as well. Seeing as I'm not using Aerie, he should be bearable, no? I'm open to all suggestions...

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 1:43 pm
by Thrain
Haer wouldn't be a bad option to use at all. give him a katana proficiency and watch him demolish with the CF.

i personally would take Mazzy over Valygar. the strength thing won't be an issue once you've got those wonderful ogre gloves from the sphere.

However, you don't have anyone using leather armour atm and a bloody good leather armour will go to waste otherwise.