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Rescureing Piada.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 10:17 pm
by shadowriath
This can be a problem. I have found that I had to kill her on sight a few times because I went on killing everything on temple grounds that did not openly try to be freindly.

With the lethality of my chars over killing was an issue, I got Iuz damaged to 140hp in a two turns with only a couple party members involved....nothing is fully immune to magic.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 4:50 am
by Mulligan
You only get the 'Rescue Paida' quest if your party AL is Lawful Good. But all party can do it just the same and get a XP award when returning her.

If you have killed her and have a good Bluff skill you get the option to lie to her husband, so you shouldn't have any problems by doing so.


Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 5:12 am
by Jamis
Just remember that when you get to her room, only send in 1 character. The first time I got there I sent my whole party in and the other woman in there turned hostile before I could tlak to Paida and she attacked me as well. I reloaded and only snet in my main fighter and had no problems.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 5:43 am
by silverdragon72
. only get the Paida quest after a week or two...

I'm not sure about the alignement - I get it with my lawful neutral party also...

...also I didn't have any problems when entering the room - if you wear the right robes (and/or get introduced to the greater temple before) then you shouldn't get attacked by any human creature on level 4) can also get the boots of speed (from the commander of the troops) by a minor quest that way !


Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 9:39 am
by Lime_Jello24
I think this part is bugged or something on my part. Let'me explain.

First off my Wizard talked to her. No problems. We use the scroll found on the floor.

So we told her to follow us and will take her back to Omlet. Paida was cool with us and started to follow us. As soon as we got to the outside of the Temple (Back yard to be exact Burnt Farmhouse was thee closest) she wasnt there.

So we went back in and she poofed showed up. I tried doing this three times and even teleporting us all back to Omlet. I gave up and had my Wizard talk to her again and told her she needs to find her own way out. Of course she was tick and her hubby was ticked but I got tried of fiddiling with the whole thing.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 6:25 pm
by Jamis
Firstly I would try having my cleric or wizard actually cast dispel magic from memory instead of using that scroll as the scroll may be bugged.

If that still doesn't work try teleporting out of the temple with her.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 10:21 pm
by Mulligan
You have to make Paida an actual MEMBER of your party, it's not enough to tell her to follow. This means you have a party of 7 or less. (5 or less PC, 2 or less NPC's)


Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 7:31 pm
by Eflat
If you run into this room and they attack you...

Just use a dispell magic spell then Paida will stop attacking and you'll get her dialog.

Now when she joins your party she fights as a 1st level fighter

align : LG
stats: 10,10,10,10,10,18 - guess she's pretty;-)
listen 3
search 3
spot 2
Combat reflexes
Improved Initiative

She does not loot...

What I find annoying is after you drag her butt all the way back to Homlett and fulfill the quest... next time you talk to her - if you're not of LG alignment - she'll tell you "You've somehow changed since we've met and not for the better." Geez what an ungreatful wench! ;-) Anyway next time you go back to the temple she'll be back in that room again... and if you drag her back to Homlett again she won't leave the party short of death.