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Do you MW mod?

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Do you MW mod?

Post by fable »

Guess I'm on a mod kick, these days. When I first reviewed MW after its release, I simply played the game for a bit. Then, work caught up with me--hell, life caught up with me; you can't get far playing anything with a wife, a house, two cats, tons of deadlines, etc. :rolleyes: :D Now, two years later, I find literally a thousand or more mods out there. Many people have a lot of time on their hands. While some of them could arguably be spending it better (unlike me, writing up here ;) ), others have really shown great aesthetic ability and interesting ideas while modding MW.

So, are you part of the MW modding community? If so, what aspects of the game do you mod, and do you have a site of your own?
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Post by blake »

I mod my own game, but that is like any other game i play... Games get boring once i beat them so i have to start messing with them, and morrowind came with a construction set so its a dream come true. I havent released any mods yet just because im too lazy and most of them are either housing mods or test ones to see what can and cant be done...

right now im working on an assassination guild mod, but a real assassination guild, not a go stab the person and get paid guild.
So far ive got alot of exteriors and interiors done but no scripting because i havent had time to learn it...

so yes, i am a part of the modding community!

p.s. if anyone wants to help with the mod or play test it add me on msn ( and ill send you some stuff when im satisfied it should be tested...
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Post by fable »

@Blake, that sounds neat. How far along are you? Is it still conceptual, or have you finished some of the modeling? The artwork?
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Post by blake »

Finding a lack of good assassination mods or rather any at all, i have decided to make my own...

This will not just be some "get told to kill someone and do it and then get gold" type assassination mod, this will be a "get told that a person needs to be dealt with, then you find the best way to kill that person" like hitman. Sneaking will be an integral part of the missions, along with having to figure out puzzles along the way. Anyway, I've got the first couple of missions planned out and i was wondering if anybody had any ideas for more levels, i believe 5 is way too little... and without further ado, here is what i have so far.

P.S. No main Story Yet so if anybody could give me one it would be appreciated...

The Guild Leader is on Top of the Foreign Quarter in Vivec, he is a redguard in daedric and glass armor.

mission 1 "induction": This is the induciton mission much like the first morag tong mission. The Twist is that when you arrive at the destination to kill the marked person you find them dead. Here you can either go back and tell the Guild Leader that you killed the person or that you found the person dead. If you say you killed them, you wont be allowed into the guild unless you pay 10,000 gold. A succesful needs gold right? If You choose to say you found him dead then you will be allowed into the guild gaining 1 reputation point.

mission 2 "Grogra": Grogra is a militant, intelligent Orc from the mainland. He has recently written a book called "Groga's Thoughts" it explains all about the Orcs need to rebel and kill all the bosmer. You are told to find his ship off of Gnaar Mok and kill him. The Ship is the model of a regular ship doubled, which makes it quite large... Anyway, You have two options of killing him, A: Dress up like one of Grogra's Royal Guards or B:Find the secret trap door under the ship to kill him. You are probably thinking that you could just run in and kill him but you cant, the Guards are level 1000, impossible to kill... Well not impossible but it takes you about 10 minutes to kill 1 if you can take the damage they deal.

mission 3 "Rollercoaster"
A High Elf named Jasp has started an amusement park in the bitter coast region and numerous commoners have flocked to his park, embracing his ideaology of Jaspism. It is a cult and you are sne t to assassinate the leader... This area has been hard to develop and i dont haver very many ways to kill him except mess up the track of the rollercoaster. XP

mission 4 "Dark Plane"
This is where you go to a different plane of existence, (which is basically an interior cell with weird crap floating around and no set up or down, this one is the most fun to create...) anyway, you are sent to kill a sorcerer that has found out how to maneuver around differentr planes of existence, it wouldnt be so bad if he wasnt messing up the plane that you are liveing on. I currently have no differing ways to kill him besides just closing him up in the single plane and isolating him there.

mission 5 "Loud Mouth"
An imperial has started preaching against the Dark Elves in Caldera, saying that they are the devil and that every one of them is secretly a server of Dagoth Ur. Surprisingly alot of people are beginning to follow him. You find him speaking at a podium in Caldera or Walking in a Parade through Caldera. You can kill him by hiring one of his followers or sniping him from a rooftop.

mission 6 untitled
This mission you have to go to the ordinator barracks dressed as an ordinator and kill a certain rebeleous ordinator... I dont have the reason yet so if someone could come up with it id like it

those are the missions i have planned so far. I dont have a story so if y'all wanna help out itd be grand. also i have a couple more things planned like: releasing a pack of nix-hounds to attack someone or poisoning food, if anyone has someother inconspicuous ways of killing id appreciate it...

also note that these are not the set levels or the set order so you could tell me how to better organize them and give me a story and w/e, im open to all ideas.
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Post by fable »

Sounds interesting. :) Why do you have unkillable guards? Granted, you don't want people to kill 'em, but what if somebody starts your mod and they're level 60? Would it be realistic for this orc chief to have guards that you literally can't kill? I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just wondering if that shouldn't be an option--killing, I mean--or if you couldn't find another way to prevent your character from the killing. For example, if it looks like your character is going to successfully kill the orc guards, maybe Grogra could flee. Your questgiver could make it clear to the PC that it's important to avoid disclosure, precisely because Grogra isn't the kind who stays around when the odds are against hm.

Just a thought. Please, feel free to disregard it. It sounds like you've put a lot of effort into this mod idea, and I wish you the best with it. :)
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Post by blake »

thats a great idea, i can make it to where if you are detected he warps to another location... hmmm

thanks alot
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Post by fable »

Hey, it's my pleasure--and I appreciate your openness to ideas. After all, it's your mod. I'm just offering a suggestion.

Maybe I'll put up my mod idea. I've posted it on another board, but never got a reply. Probably because I was looking for a scripter, and what person is idiot enough to script another's idea when he has several of his own?
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Post by blake »

i still need a story though, like, why are you killing these people...

i was thinking of something like: each person reperesents a member of a race that thinks that there race is superior to all other races, and you have to put an end to it. But that one is kind of lame, uh well...

Maybe someone could help, or everyone could put in a little bit and i could salvage it from there.
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Post by fable »

I seem to recall being sent on assassin missions even in the Mage's Guild: either a person paid back dues, or I was expected to get it from 'em--which was usually at the end of a nasty spell. The Telvannis specialists in inside assassination as a way of life. What I'm saying is, are you sure you need justification? Consider that this is a choice of your PC, the path you've chosen. Presumably, the person or persons you speak with when first approaching the Guild could greet you with approval of the your knowledge that life is paltry, and the pathway to power lies in...

This is where you determine the characteristics of your guild. If your spokesperson says "following orders," then you'll have a slightly militaristic and extremely hierarchal guild, which will show up in some subtle and not so subtle ways as your PC progresses. I think this makes a degree of sense. Assassins can't afford to be casually chaotic. They can't rule their own by the exercise of power, because that would undercut your swift rise in the guild. After all, if you can do that, there's nothing stopping any other guild member from fulfilling missions and rising--instead of fearing and ultimately toppling the person who's next highest on the food chain.
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Post by Coot »

I don't have anything helpful to add... I'd just like to say that all of this sounds very interesting and promising.
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Post by Monolith »

Alright, I have some things to add....
...I don't like the rollercoaster idea. Sorry, it would change the Morrowind-Feeling, if you know what I mean. I like the idea in total...I only dislike the 'rollercoaster' ;)

And are you sure that there are different planes in the world of Tamriel? I don't know if it is important to you, but it is important to me. It would change the Morrowind-Feeling...and the best mods are these which change the game, but don't change Morrowind ( the world) ;)

I really would love some missions in the style of 'Dark Project'. Not that much stealing though...but more killing. Much sneaking and maybe the need of illusions. For instance you could make a mission in which the PC has to follow the guard of trader. If the guard notices the PC he'll visit the next tavern instead of going to the traders hideout ( who has sold some bags of fake great soulgems to a Telvanni enchanter). If the PC manages to follow him unseen so he finds the hideout he can kill the guard, take his belongings ( of his belongings would be one of these helms which covers the whole face) and go inside the hideout and kill the trader without much effort. Surly it would be possible to kill the guard inside the hideout and then the trader ( although that would give the trader enough time to run away...and the caves which used to be his hideout can be a maze with many dangerous creatures...)....but the trader is a wise one. He didn't hide the money he earned in the same places he hides his own hide....and the Telvanni enchanter wants his money back...

This wouldn't change anything of Morrowind, but it would add another nice quest to the game.

Or think of the Earthly delights. One of the dancers spend a night with a nobleman of a great house...this wouldn't be such a bad thing, but while the nobleman slept she read a letter which wasn't addressed to she knows everything about the illegal moon sugar smuggling and the killing of a competitor who belongs to the same house. The PC would have to choose...killing the dancer...this would involve forcing her out of the earthly delights ( maybe spending a night with her...? Would be the last night she'd spend...) or maybe it would be better to ask around where the cutie lives, find a letter inside a house which tells the PC that her brother, who lives in Molag Mar, plans to send her a delivery man with some money, so she can pay the rent...the player'd know when and where the delivery man would arrive...the letter which identifies the delivery man as such would identifie the PC as such, then he only has to tell the cutie that he can't give her the money in the earthly delights, because some thugs could be there and...yea ;)

I hope I could help you somehow...if these are the kind of ideas you like, just tell me...
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Post by fable »

And are you sure that there are different planes in the world of Tamriel? I don't know if it is important to you, but it is important to me. It would change the Morrowind-Feeling...and the best mods are these which change the game, but don't change Morrowind ( the world)

There's this to be said for different planes: by their nature, the cells won't conflict with anything within the world of Morrowind. Provided you know how to script it. ;) The cells can be put anywhere, because they will be removed as you leave.

Can't say whether it's realistic or not, though. The gods certainly live on another plane, from what I understand. But whether that means there are more than two planes or not...
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Post by blake »

well they said that the dwemer dissapeared by going to a different plane of existence (in the mod its an interior cell, with crap floating around everywhere)

i think ill make it a militaristic guild and, unlike the morag tong, if you mess up or are disloyal you will be hunted... There will be a strict code of honor and stealth and if you i want to put good dialogue into it so you can choose what kind of assassin you want to be.


the rollercoaster looks quite nice, it is made from mine tracks and mine cars, im quite proud of it actually so it wont be going anywhere, the whole thing is that Jasp's Area needs to look really crazy with things no one has seen in morrowind before...

those are some great ideas for missions, i cant wait 5 more days till summer break and i can devote myself fully to this mod! YAY
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Post by fable »

Here's my idea for a mod, taken from another board where I posted it some time ago to resounding silence: ;)

I'd like to do a simple, written word-heavy mod, called The Thing of Many Answers. Did you by any chance ever receive a toy called The Eight Ball when you were little? You shook it up and visualized a question. Then, you looked in the small window on the side, and an answer floated to the surface. It was an absolutely useless answer, of course, but the object was fun.

What I want to create--with the help of someone who knows what they're up to--is a palm-sized, marble- or glass-textured object. It would be placed, with a fairly hefty price tag (perhaps 10K) in a store in Balmora. You would rub the stone--that is, drag it onto your character--and a dialog box would pop up, telling you that the mystic Thing of Many Answers was ready for your question. This, you would state, and click a small enter box to close.

Your question would then be reiterated on the screen. A few lines down would be a completely random answer from 1 of 30 or more replies I've created, whcih are guaranteed to be utterly useless and often frustrating. For example:

No! That is to say, yes.

Yes! That is to say, no.

All our lines are busy. Please try again, later.

I...well...that is, I...

The answer is in the stars.

Interesting question. Let me get back with you on that, and we can do lunch.

Please restate your question in the Telvanni dialect of M'vhban'iar, using the future supplicative tense.

I see you going on a trip, a very long journey. You will meet new people, and catch new diseases. You will die...but then, you will miraculously return to life. I do not know how this is possible. I only say the truth. I cannot explain it.

Raise your right foot, and hop about for half an hour. Then climb into bed, keep warm, and call me if there are any changes.

Why are asking me such foolish questions? Focus on life! That, and a good pork roast.

I see....I see a mill. Yes, a mill! It is a very dark, a black mill. And inside this miller! ...I'm sorry. What was your question, again?

(I thought it might be nice to throw in a few winks of respect at some of the best quest-based mods out there, hence this last "answer.")

As you can tell, The Thing of Many Answers would be absolutely, perfectly useless. It would achieve nothing, and could be used over and over again, free, for that purpose. What a joy forever!
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Post by blake »

i dont think that would be that hard to do, its just basically scripting it all in
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Post by fable »

Maybe not, but as I don't konw the scripting language, it's impossible. ;)
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Post by Monolith »

and it shouldn't be that hard to make...

Hey, why not making a cult which worships this 'Thing of Many Answers'? It could be the size of a rock or something and they'd build a temple around it and would only let people use it who have passed some stupid sort of test....something very dangerous and it would frustrate the player that he'd lost his time for such a useless thing...LOL I'd love it. "Now you are worthy. Ask whatever you want..."
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Post by blake »


yes yes, make it seem very important, refer to it as "the lost artifact" or something so people will need to know what it is and then make them go through a humongous dungeon or fight a very powerful creature and then give them the 8 ball thing! that would be great
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Post by Monolith »

LOL I love the way such ideas develop...

The first thing I had in mind was a temple full of lemmings walking around and preaching the word of "the thing of many answers". It would be their life, their most important thing! Totally useless, yes, but " gives answers to every aspect of life!". Buwahahahaha
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Post by fable »

Oooooh, you're evil! I can appreciate that. :)
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