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Playing it Poor!

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 4:57 am
by lifeishell91
I get really sick of always having all this money and all this beautiful armour so I decided to make like an ashlander wanderer who just goes to caves in the ashlands and sells the loot for what little money I can get. It's actually kinda fun. I'm like a old exiled wise-woman. :D

I sometimes summon skeletons for my help because I am so weak, and I make my own potions because I can't afford to buy some. I like to store my stuf in some cabin I found I think east or west of Caldera and it's kinda quaint. But I usually travel in the ashlands.

Has anyone ever tried playing like this? I found it to be the most enjoyable way to play ever since I got the game! :p If you haven't tried I suggest that you try it just once!

It's fun because you don't expect much on your travels and when you find like ebony boots (that I found yesterday, YAY! :D ) your SO overjoyed where as before, I would of been like, "Oh, boots, big deal....NOT!" :rolleyes:

Does anyone play this currenty? Just wandering....

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 5:32 am
by Odnamra
well since my navigations skills in the game suck i was lost in the ashlands for a really long time so when i actually came back to civilization i grew a 6 inch beard and had the dirtiest armour on it looked like common clothes...i am poor so no need trying to be poor in a video game i mean i already go hunting for valuable skins and ****..:-D
lol i wont be poor in real life AND a video game thats half the reason i like it anyway i like to fantasize being ablt to afford mt first pair of ebony boots which in comparison is like the first pair of timberlands footwear i never could afford so why play when i live:-D.....

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 8:08 am
by fable
Not sure what you mean. I don't powerplay it, meaning that I won't use cheese to build up a fortune--selling to the creeper, etc. But I don't run away from drakes, either. Having enough to afford a really neat weapon in somebody's shop is part of the fun, for me, in MW, but each to their own. :)

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 9:22 am
by unregisturd
I find it really hard to play the game without getting lots of money... I mean, I was doing quests for guilds, and I looked in my inventory and I had like, 5k gold, and I was like, "Oh, that's all I have? Oh well, I don't need to sell stuff to get anymore at this moment. I can get around easy enough." So I continued playing my game, not paying attention to my income. Then, next time I looked to see how much gold I had, I had 23k. I was like, "What the heck? Where did that come from?" So, my point is, I don't do anything to get my money, but I'm not poor. I buy whatever and sell whatever. Actually, pretty much everything I find is stored in my houses so far. I probably have billions of gold in items. If I sold everything I had, I'd be rich. But I don't. I just sell things as I need them. And I get paid from the quests. So I don't go hungry, but I'm not excessively rich. (Not in gold, anyways.) My gold always goes up, too. It never decreases. Like, I'll look at it one day, it'll 5k. Then I'll look at it again and it'll be 8k. And it just goes up. Makes me kinda mad at myself with my older characters, because I was so worried about getting money that that's all I looked for. Stuff to sell. So I was never happy with what I had. :D

And the moral of today's story is... :p

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 9:22 am
by Dark Master
I've tried it a couple of times, and found it a lot of fun. I essentially spent all the money I got on either training or repairing my items. I only bought a couple of spells and I only took an item if I intended to keep it for myself, so I wouldn't take a glass dagger just to sell it if I was skilled in Longsword, and it is a lot of fun. The best bit is making your own potions, gradually replacing your alchemy set and making it better (the lay healer missions are a lot of fun for that), and having to live off the land... it is good fun.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 9:49 am
by Monolith
Originally posted by unregisturd
I find it really hard to play the game without getting lots of money... I mean, I was doing quests for guilds, and I looked in my inventory and I had like, 5k gold, and I was like, "Oh, that's all I have? Oh well, I don't need to sell stuff to get anymore at this moment. I can get around easy enough." So I continued playing my game, not paying attention to my income. Then, next time I looked to see how much gold I had, I had 23k.

ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! 5 and 23!!!! Illuminatus primus!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

alright...this had to be......

I answered that question in the "What do you do when you get bored of the game"-Thread...more or less. Poor playing rules...but I really need to buy a decent weapon from time to time... ( although I like walking around with the netch leather armor...)

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 9:57 am
by dragon wench
I have not actually made a concerted effort to live like a Franciscan monk in the game, but I don't really chase after gold either... Yet, as others have commented, somehow my wealth seems to grow of its own accord.. :rolleyes:

What this game *really* needs is the ability to donate cash to temples and so on, a la BG2.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 10:07 am
by Monolith
Hey, that is a wonderful idea...really! Shouldn't be so hard to make a mod which adds such features. The idea could be could add poor people as well. You could give them food...and they would fight for you! Hey, maybe they would be even willing to become slaves...good and enough food...

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 10:54 am
by fable
There is a mod out that makes training much more expensive: something like 3x. If you really want to be poor, that's presumably a good way to go. It's SuperAdventurers. Makes a lot of adjustments to the game, and it's one of the most balanced mods I've seen.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 11:16 am
by Monolith
hey, I mentioned that already in the "What do you do when you get bored of the game?"-Thread. The name's "More Morrowind II". You can decide between 2x, 3x and 4x. With 2x it will take twice as long to reach level X. It's really hard to have much money on you....( and the great thing is that it's part of the game - not part of the way you play)

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 12:15 pm
by fable
Monolith, not the same mod--though I know the one you're describing. The one I use, SuperAdventurers (and you can use both, if you'd like) doesn't touch your speed at making levels through the use of a skill; it only affects the amount you pay to trainers. It's a method of keeping players with lots of cash from quickly training up to a level. :)

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 12:22 pm
by Monolith
Ahh, alright. I know that one...although I prefered making such a mod myself ( More Morrowind II also changes training-costs. I use that right now). Also a good way of being forced to poorness is a mod which balances armor/weapon-prices - and travelling-costs.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 3:12 am
by lifeishell91
What I meant was.....

What I meant was totally cutting yourself off from civilisation. Not joining guilds just totally putting yourself at the mercy of mother nature and only sometimes going back to civilisation to sell goods, repair armour or learn a new spell.
That type of thing :rolleyes: !!!

And pretty much spend all your time in the wilderness.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 4:52 am
by Dark Master
I've never tried that... I may have to, it sounds cool.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 5:09 am
by lifeishell91
By the way, who were the people that thought the idea sounded stupid, and why do you think it sounds stupid?? :confused:

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 8:54 am
by blake
thats what im doing with my redguard, just wandering around the ashlands...

Nothing has been more exhilirating than when 50 cliffracers came and started attacking me i fought and fought and fought and ran and more and more kept coming until i found a cave,missamsi, i went inside and it was a sixth house base ugh.... i ran out, saw the horde of cliff racers and searched my inventory. I found it! a scroll of divine intervention, i cast it and with 2 points of health landed in the imperial barracks where a healer healed me for free...(healer mod, i suggest you get it, it makes all healers in the gamer really heal you rather than just sell you cheap potions)

also, a fun way to play is as a trader...

i played as an imperial trader who went into dwemer ruins recoverd artifacts and then sold them...