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Dragon's Eye help needed

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 3:17 pm
by haversham
i'm stuck and can use help. have seen mavel's ghost but cannot find the modified mandrake root he claims to have tossed over the rocks. seems to be a room in the middle of level 2 that i cannot access, not sure if they are related issues.

Also, i can go no further on level 3. i assume that is b/c i cant find the mandrake root. cannot bypass the drawbridge or gain access through the 2 doors on the eastern side of level 3.

any help would be appreciated. thanks.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 6:49 am
by Julian
As far as i can remember teh mandrake root is in teh cave on hte 1st level, the one with the wyvern in.

I also remember that it was kinda bugged, if you where in the cave before talking to mandal the root doesnt appear.
Only way to continue teh game is to "cheat" it in.
Enable teh cheat in teh config, go back in to teh game, press alt+ctrl, type: ctrlaltdelete:createitem("61genmm") in the cheatbox an enter 2 times.

Hope this helps

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 7:20 am
by Zeltaebar
you actually don´t have to cheat to get throug this. i encountered that situation myself. the room where u get the mandrake root is on the second level, but access to that room you can get only through the first level.

go back to the entrance you have two options: to go straight up right(where you should come from) or to go down. follow the way down where later you encounter some bugs and spiders as i remember. there is a passage with a bridge where you can go down. a wyvern will wate for you there. that is where the root should be.

had to go there three or for times since i found it finally. but i think it will work better with you.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 9:31 am
by Mr.Waesel
Go to the dark spot in the middle of level 1 (the only place you haven't explored yet, or the one with the stairs if you did)
You can get past the river, and there are stairs up there. The mandrake root just lies on the floor there. All will follow from that :)

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 10:26 am
by haversham
thank you all for the help. having found this site earlier would have saved me 4 hours of my life not to mention the frustration.


Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 1:45 pm
by Zeltaebar
no prob.

and please, don´t cheat through the game.
it definetly ruins all the fun.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 2:36 pm
by KosMos
hello guys..

i've been having a serious problem at dragon's eye level 2

i cannot see mavel's corpse... when i got closer to that place i started battling with the spiders and my rogue got panicked ans started running towards the path where mavel's corpse was supposed to be... i don't know if that has anything to do with it but after i called her back in the fight and after that, i do not see his body nor do i sprung the trap with the boulder...

any ideas why? maybe i need a patch?