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Oria bug

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 12:49 pm
by oriabug

When I killed the priestess Oria she broke her staff.
However she never reappeared and now I am stuck!
Just to be clear, going to the ethereal plane has no use,
because there is nobody to attack.
Unfortunately I do not have any recent save game before killing Oria.
I only found out later what should have happened.

On another forum I read an old message about someone having
the same problem, and that he found a 'command' that made the
game think Oria is dead. Does anyone know this command or
some other way for me to continue play this game?


Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 5:00 pm
by Patrick
Just for info where have you left off on the game like what have you achieved? Where is your last save? I per say, don't have much info for you, but there has been topics on this forum with the same problem, try running a few thread searchs for info.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 10:46 am
by oriabug
I have unlocked all doors on that level.
I have discovered all rooms.
I already killed the other 2 priestesses and cleansed the altar.

I have searched many forums about what to do, and already know what should have happened after Oria breaks the staff.
Oria should appear in some ethereal form and I should activate the inner sanctum and kill her.

I also found out there are others with the same problem as me and it was identified that this was a bug in the game.
The answer usually was to go back to an older save game and do it again. But I absolutely do not want to play again from my older save game, because it is way to far behind.

There was one person who said he fixed it by doing a 'command' to let the game think that Oria is dead (as a workaround for this bug). Unfortunately he did not tell what 'command' this is.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 5:13 am
by oriabug
Okay I found out the solution for my problem by looking at cheat codes and searching in .bcs and .dlg files.

I had to activate the cheat console in the config tool, start Icewind Dale 2, press ctrl-tab and do the command:
ctrlaltdelete:setglobal("OriaEssence_dead", "GLOBAL", 1)

Now I can continue playing :D