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Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 3:34 pm
by i4v02v95i5p09k9
This applies to the PC

When you guys play Morrowind (or any other game with Direct X) have you ever recieved an error that looks like this?

DDHELP caused an invalid page fault in
module <unknown> at 0000:baaba47e.
EAX=baaba47e CS=0167 EIP=baaba47e EFLGS=00010286
EBX=00000020 SS=016f ESP=007dfd3c EBP=007dfd4c
ECX=00000000 DS=016f ESI=00008dc2 FS=528f
EDX=00008dde ES=016f EDI=007dfd54 GS=5277
Bytes at CS:EIP:

I get this trying to play ANY game that I have.. generally what will happen is the game will flicker, shut down, and then this Error message will appear. If anyone can help me solve this, I'd be very grateful

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 3:38 pm
by Dark Master
Sounds awful. I've never had the message, but if you type just a bit of it into google with quotes, it might well give you a solution.

"Conflict with utilities/drivers for a previous graphics adapter
When you replace a display adapter without un-installing its drivers and utilities problems may occur if Windows attempts to launch or use these drivers and utilities.

Ensure that any drivers/utilities for older display adapters have been removed from the system. Most graphics card manufacturers will provide entries in the ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS panel to allow un-installation of drivers and utilities.

Problem with the installation of DirectX
Current ATI display drivers require specific minimum versions of DirectX for correct operation. If an older version of DirectX is installed or if older DirectX components have been erroneously installed by a 3rd party program, you may encounter problems.

In either case, installing (or re-installing) the current version of DirectX should resolve the issue.

Current versions of DirectX are available for download from Microsoft's website.
For additional information on DirectX and ATI products, please see our "DirectX Information and FAQ" page.

Other possible sources
In addition to the two items noted above there are several other possible conditions which may contribute to the occurrence of this error. Please ensure,
Current AGP Motherboard/Chipset drivers have been installed. (When using an AGP graphics card.)
No conflicts exist with other software being loaded when Windows starts. "

I got that from the ATI website just now, I hope it helps. If you want to follow it up its the site I'm viewing is: ... %20adapter

Good luck

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 3:44 pm
by i4v02v95i5p09k9
Thanks a lot, I went ahead and reinstalled Direct X 9.0b, here's hoping it'll change things so I can finally try and actually make money on Railroad Tycoon 3.. lol (hey I like trains!)

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 3:55 pm
by fable
If that doesn't work, consider posting your problem in the Technical forum, since it's really not just Morrowind-related. And best of luck. :)