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Resurrecting a character

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Northern Lights
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Resurrecting a character

Post by Northern Lights »

My party was in a tough battle in the copper cornet (or at the exit where you go to rescue the slave girl) and one of the characters in the party had died. Nobody had any resurrection wands. Dose anybody know of a temple that would resurrect her or a place near the Copper cornet that sells wands of resurrection :cool:
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Post by fable »

If you leave the Copper Coronet, travel up the stairs and continue directly north, you'll find a temple that should be able to resurrect your party member.
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Northern Lights
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Post by Northern Lights »

I have a feeling that the game wasn’t installed correctly, too many bugs.
If I were to uninstall and then reinstall the game to full version would it be possible to import the game to the lv I’m at right now
The only reason I didn’t install the full version the first time was that it was recommended not to install the full setup.
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Post by kopywrite »

If you uninstall, I think your're either asked if you want to remove saved games too or it doesn't do it anyway. Unsure about this as its been a while.

When you say you were 'recommended' do you mean you clicked the recommended install option? That refers to the fact that they recommend it over a minimum install, a full install being ideal.
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Post by Northern Lights »

I wanted to do a full install from the beginning but when installing the game it recommended the normal mode instead of the full and I do not want to uninstall the game if I would have to start over again. The reason I want to reinstall the game again is because there seems to be too many bugs, I was in a big battle, and all my casters spells are gone. I try to Wright the spells back into the spell book but they will not rewrite and the casters worthless because their spells are all grayed out.
PC specs 1.6-gig processor
1.5 gig hard drive
128 NVIDIA g force 4 video cards
Sound blaster 5.1 surround and all that good stuff,
I am pretty sure the computer can handle a full install but skeptical about installing the game if doing so will ruin my current game.

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Post by Thrain »

you can fake an upgrade installation. there is a guide somewhere, i think it may be on teambg. it basically involves you editing one text file so the game looks for stuff on the hard drive instead of the CDs (you have to C&P from the CD to the directory)
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