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Any Velendosval players?

Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 2:59 pm
by fable
It's a quest and building mod, with a new town just south of Seyda Neen. Adds a mages' guild to Seyda Neen, itself.

I'd been given a quest for a book of mysticism from that mages' guild, and found it easily enough. However, upon returning to the guild, the questgiver doesn't seem to recognize the presence of the book in my inventory, and I'm not certain how I would go about giving it to him.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 4:07 pm
by fable
Nevermind. Found my answer; for some reason, the book wasn't registering as flagged in my inventory. Dropped it, picked it up, and there were no problems. I suspect this was due to a conflict with Haldenshore, which I wasn't aware of until I noticed a passing comment elsewhere from the latter's author. I removed Haldenshore--but have to wonder whether it wouldn't be the better one to keep in. For one thing, Velendosval's mage guild offers both Mark and Recall. That's placing two of the best spells you can have right in the starting city, at reasonable prices, and that's silly, IMO.