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Plug-Ins that I Can't live without ^^ Post Yours!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 6:01 pm
by Adahn
Just thought i'd post the plug-ins I like. Please do the same if you feel up to it ^_^

Better Bodies V2.0:

Male Screens - Before and After - Female Screens - Before and After - Download

By the way, all the screens are perfectly innocent, no nudes. (cry babies). Btw yes, that is the naked version in the download -.-

Acheron's Camping Gear V1.5:

Screen Shot - Sorry I can't give ya the download since it's on Morrowind Summit.

No-glo :

Basicaly it erases the big stupid plastic bag around magical objects (removes magical glow -.-) - Download

Knights of Tamriel :

This site has some great... and I mean great armors.
Knights of Tamriel Site - Screens and Downloads

Real Signposts :

This one only adds to the role play part of the game, but it's still pretty good ^_^ - Download


The Latest, Greatest Housing Mod 2: Stormhold by The V8 Man :

This is the greatest housing mod... EVER! I mean... you get your own CANTON IN VIVEC for god sakes! And There's a huge battle scene, that dosn't murder your frame rates cause it's staged inside ^_^
Screen Shots 1 - Screen Shots 2 - Screen Shots 3 - Download

Just remember you guys,

***This is not a patch. Use this version alone in place of version 1 of the LGHM2: Stormhold, not with it.***

Btw, if by any chance the download links I put in don't work, you can always find them at Morrowind Summit ^_^

Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 6:06 pm
by blake
astarsis head replacers, better bodies, dynamic magicka regeneration script, Zed the Merchant, Creepers Pad, Wakims Game Improvements...

Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 7:15 pm
by fable
Super Adventurers 3.02. Adds plenty of tweaks to the game, generally making it somewhat harder (but in a few cases, easier).

Amulets and Rings. Adds all sorts to the game, both in shops and as swag.

BalmoraAscadianIslesNPCs. Adds dialog to many NPCs in these areas.

The Cloak Collection. Adds a ton of cloaks to the game. As I recall, some involve quests.

Cult of the Clouds. New faction, items, guild hall, dungeon, NPCs, creatures, books, quests. Located on Dagon Fel.

Dracandos' Voice. When you get to the top of a guild or faction, this mod gives you the ability some neat new abilities. For example, you can send any member of House Telvanni on a mission as Archmagister, while you can practice combat with any Imperial Legion soldier or guard as Knight of the Imperial Dragon.

Fair Magicka Regeneration. Four scripts; you choose one to set the speed at which magicka regens. Note, it affects your opponents as well as you. :D

Guild Guide Quest. Several guild guides now have their own faction, and you can join it. If you perform all their quests successfully, you gain the ability to teleport instantly to any of those guilds.

Sri's Alchemy. Adds new alchemical substances, and removes Fortify Intelligence from the game.

Tarmar. Uriel Septum's favorite resort, the location of a mystery. Not much hack and slash, this is a very good RPG yarn.

All of these should be available either from Gamers Roam or Morrowind Summit.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 4:19 am
by Adahn
Woah, nice selection there Fable, i'm gonna see if I can download that Cult of Clouds one. Looks promising :)

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 6:04 am
by Sarrin Khane
I find Zed comes in handy. The new guy in Balmora with 1000000 gold :D

The only mod I would hate to lose is No Glo. I can't stand the ridiculous shinyness of enchantments!!!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 7:26 am
by Aqua-chan
MultiMark - ... 05&id=1778 - Allows the player to store up to 12 Mark spell locations at a time, making travelling through Vvarndenfell much easier.

Sri's Alchemy - - Adds new alchemy ingredients and new game effects to Morrowind.

Abigail's Petshop - ... 05&id=3653 - Interesting mod that allows you to buy exotic, baby, or farm pets. Wolves, bears, durzogs, dogs, cats, and even pigs and chicks are avaliable. Very nice animal texturing.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 7:52 am
by fable
Originally posted by Adahn
Woah, nice selection there Fable, i'm gonna see if I can download that Cult of Clouds one. Looks promising :)

Glad you liked 'em. If I find time later today, I'll try adding some more.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 9:31 am
by Sojourner
Rhedd's Heads, plus heads by Astarsis and others, Illuminated Order, and my personal fixes and tweaks mod.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 10:01 am
by owlsight
The Knights of Tamriel armor sets are really cool. What level would you suggest would be appropriate to go looking for them? I am new to the game and have a wimpy level 10 knight.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 10:13 am
by Adahn
Originally posted by owlsight
The Knights of Tamriel armor sets are really cool. What level would you suggest would be appropriate to go looking for them? I am new to the game and have a wimpy level 10 knight.

Well, i'd say as long as you're strong enough to get them. Cause there's a tough quest behind every one. Sometimes you'll face lichs, sometimes you'll face bandits, wizards, demons. ^^ It's really up to your skills and smarts. Level ten? I'd go for all of them ^_^