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HoF mode! same Holy Avenger again!?!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 4:47 am
by sparhawk_tr
I'm playing IWD2 in HoF mode with the same party that i finished the normal mode. I have obtained the medallion of lost followers and visited the graves. Then i killed that 6 warriors but i found the same sword again. I have the latest patch. What do you think the problem is?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 5:43 am
by Julian
It is supposed to be a Holy Avenger there.

Have you cheked to see that the weapon is better, it's supposed to have like a +10 bonus instead of +5.

If not the game "forgot" you were playing HoF, try doing hte battle again(hurra, fight them agian)

Otherwise i don't have any idea

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 6:51 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
First of all, is this the only item in HoF mode that you got the normal version rather than the enhanced version. GameBanshee's IWD2 webpage can give you the different versions of items if you wish to validate that HoF mode is actually working.

And yes, I had a similar problem before the patch EVER came out. Still, I noticed that the game actually acted like it was in HoF mode ONLY IF the characters I exported characters from the previous game in normal mode had no equipment. You might wish to try that and see if that is the case. Could this possibly be the case?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:02 pm
by sparhawk_tr
@ Julian

Yes i have checked, it has no difference from its normal version. I will try your suggestion.

@Galuf the Dwarf
I found some items that has never seen in normal version. At least i can remember a short bow and an item in shargane bridge.
(but i will check this out later).

But sorry i can't understand what you mean in second pharagraph of your post.

When i started to HoF mode and imported my chars to game. They all have swords, armors etc. except bag of holdings and various keys that has been appeared in the normal mode.

Thank you. And if any other suggestions i will be appreciated.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:06 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
sparhawk: What I mean is that you might want to try exporting them in a non-HoF game without any equipment they had when they beat the a game in normal mode.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 11:35 am
by sparhawk_tr
Galuf the Dwarf: If i do what your suggested, how can that help me do you think. (Don't take it wrong, I'll do but i want be informed).

Thanks again.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 3:16 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Originally posted by sparhawk_tr
Galuf the Dwarf: If i do what your suggested, how can that help me do you think. (Don't take it wrong, I'll do but i want be informed).

Thanks again.

(None taken.)

This may help by convincing the game engine that you're not playing a normal game. In the past, I tried constantly to access HoF mode , and it would act only like normal mode (regular items, not-so-deadly enemies, etc.). When I exported without the items from normal mode AND erased all of my normal mode save files, it actually worked.

So, here's how you should do this:

1) If you can, access the characters you wish to import for HoF into a file in normal mode. (IOW, either load a normal mode save file or import them into a new game in normal mode.)

2) Take off all of the equipment on those characters, and then export them.

3) Delete all normal mode save files that you have.

4) Activate HoF mode in game configuration and start a new game with the characters you wish to import.

Does that sound like a plan?

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:51 pm
by sparhawk_tr
@Galuf the Dwarf
Thanks my friend. I'll keep in mind. I'll do it someother time because, a few days ago suddenly i got angry and uninstalled the game with taking the save games. I have started to BGII. I hope it won't have problems like this. Thank you very much.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 12:54 am
by Booted One
two things bout BG2
A) it shouldn't
B) beat all other games before playing BG2 because BG2 is pobably the best game ever
C) I was so obsessed with it I beat it five times (over 50 hours of playing it a week)

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:54 pm
by Shadrach
Only five?

BGII was a year of my life...