I dunno why you say about this 'background'. Ok, I know, but, when I first played PS:T, the music seemed so 'lively' and a kinda separate from the game (it's probably because it was my first RPG to play, after some time spent on Thief and Thief 2, when the music was, strictly speaking, ambient.
From what I've listened to (concerning RPG soundtracks), the tunes in PS:T seem a lot better (well, since Mr Morgan also made music for Fallout etc., I enjoy it too!). The tunes are not too pompous, and just look at those 'battle themes' - the time signature, the instrumentation, it's awesome! Not to mention his great clarinet (is it supposed to be a clarinet?) in 'Fall-from-Grace' - perfect, doesn't play any direct melody, just some sounds within the scale. And is just ideal.
Ok, enough praises. AS for VonDondu's comment: it was me who introduced this 'MIDI' theme before. Now I just wanted to talk not only about MIDIs. And, hmmm, I don't think those melodies Mr Morgan's invented, would sound well when played 'stronger' (voz there's hardly any melody, but just skillful use of instruments and samples). (and real instruments would ruin the atmosphere at times), at least it's what I think. AS for Locutus: what arrangement was it? which instruments have you used to play that tune? (if i may know

I only regret that those pieces weren't developed in any way. I would like to hear whole songs with those themes, like in movie soundtracks (ok, just in some of them). Those 2-minute themes aren't long enough to feel the atmosphere, when you're not playing (and so they're not looped)....

but no game composer does such things, I suppose. what for? (esp. if he has 3 weeks to compose the whole sountracks - I've heard that he had just 3 short weeks to do that, and we all know well which he came up with! )
P.S. ah, a thread which you mentioned. There's no big deal there, but .... (hmm wonder if I pasted it correctly

http://www.gamebanshee.com/forums/showt ... ight=music