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I Heard The Crickets Singing

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 7:09 am
by Goldenheart
I made my party of would-be heroes, they are, in no particular order, as follows:

1. Paladin/Cleric - Human;
2. Barbarian/Rogue - Half-Elf; and
3. Fighter/Sorcerer - Half-Elf or Human... I forget all ready, lol.

Just the three, no NPC's.

Man, the point-buy is alright for single class dudes and dudettes, but is nasty for developing a multi-faceted character, so I combined classes that had over-lapping stats... damn the Rogue for needing Int, damn her.. lol.

Oh, by the way, I did not trash any "useless" stat to bump another, I think the lowest stat I have is 8... sigh <cough>, pardon me.