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Help! Guards approach.

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Help! Guards approach.

Post by Mosel8 »

As I try to enter the Copper Coronet, I receive a message saying "Guards approach. Obviously work of your misdeeds have reached authorities." Promptly thereafter, mega-heroes arrive and dice my party to shreds.

I wondered whether this encounter was initiated by the game as punishment for me trying to duplicate one of my party members (i.e., export, then import them under another name), since they appeared just minutes after I made my dupe attempt. So, I decided to load an earlier game, prior to the dupe and just move on with my original characters... no luck. The guards still "approch" and destroy me.

What can I do? It seems idiotic that the game would prevent me from even loading a earlier saved game and progress through the course of the plot without sommoning the "guards". What is happening?

Thanks for your advice. It's strongly appreciated.
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Ned Flanders
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Post by Ned Flanders »

What's your reputation? The game doesn't take to kind to adventurers lacerating the local peasants. Did you wreak a bunch of havoc in the copper coronet. I've heard of members here posting that something went awry in the slavers battles in the coronet. Innocent bystanders were killed and the party's reputation suffered greatly. If this is the case, find a temple and donate some gold. Or, continue on your rotten ways and get the entire countryside of Amn after your skull.
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Post by Mosel8 »

My reputation is 16 (popular). I was actually about to start windspear hills quest, when I decided to dupe my kensai. I then returned to the Slums to sell some extra items I didnt need. It was when I approached the entrance to the Copper that the "guards" arrived and slaughtered me. Each guard had a unique name: Alhelor (mage)and Sirs - Jolus, Laren, Paritan, Beverus, and Branet Al-Thor.

Again, these guys are indefeatable for my level 9 band of characters.

I did have another thought... could they have appeared as a result of Jan's excessively pickpocketing of merchants?
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Musashi Miyamoto
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Post by Musashi Miyamoto »

YEs, and omg your party is level 9 ouch good luck!

ive been able to defeat them singlehandly with an muliclerc/mage but then again she's nearing 20 in both class.
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Post by Mosel8 »

"Yes" to which? yes they appear due to excessive pickpocketing, or "yes" they appear because I tried to dupe a character and BG considers that cheating?

Oh... by the way, for now I have the "guards" situated in front of the west entrance to Copper, so I'm using the East entrance and thus avoiding them bastards for now. :)

Thanks again.
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Post by Sabre »

You said you were about to start the Windspear Hills quest, does this mean you have travelled there and killed the monsters/paladins? If so, you were supposed to go with Garren to his cabin. If you didn't you will be attack by paladins when you get back to the city.

The game is not smart enough to know if you duplicate a member of your party. And I don't think it's the pick pocket thing, since your rep is at 16.
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Post by Mosel8 »

Thanks for the reply.

I killed the monsters/knights you encounter when you first enter the Windspear Hill area, but I didn't enter the cabin before returning to the Slums district.

But I'm not sure I see the connection between entering the cabin and avoiding the Paladins - particularly with the reference to "Guards approach" and "work of your misdeads have reached the authorities".

Thanks again.
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Post by General »

Dude.... you killed some Paladins. The Radiant Heart wouldn't be around if they let people hack up their men and then let them get away :D
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Pe Ell
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Post by Pe Ell »

you probably have the answer right there. If you didnt visit garren the radiant heart will look upon you as an enemy and try to revenge for their fallen comrads.

Another thing: Doesnt these guys appear if you are rude to anomen? They did for me once I think, or was that just because I had low rep?
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