Getting Trademeet...
Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 7:20 pm
Just recently started playing this game again and after doing the slaver quest, I proceeded to De'Arnise Keep and finished that quest. Upong me imedieate return to the promanade, i was approached by someone that told me of the troubles at trademeet, then right after that i was approached by Bhodi's messenger, then by Gaelan Bayle's messanger. My party consisted of me (swashbuckler), minsc, jaheria, and aerie, and nalia.
Thats about as far as i got when my friend and I decided to go through it on multiplayer. We have completed De'Arnise Keep (which i claimed as mine kingdom being a fighter and all), returned to Athkatla and was approaced by bhodi's and Gaelan Bayle's messangers but not the one for trademeet. We have gone through every major (and most of the minor) quests pre-underdark except the astral prison and just started on Cult of the Unseen Eye. We have still yet to be approached by someone from trademeet. All the characters in our party are custom made... fighter, swashbuckler, mage, druid, ranger, cleric. I was wondering if perhaps you need a certain class or npc in your party to get the trademeet quest or if anyone else has had this problem.
Thats about as far as i got when my friend and I decided to go through it on multiplayer. We have completed De'Arnise Keep (which i claimed as mine kingdom being a fighter and all), returned to Athkatla and was approaced by bhodi's and Gaelan Bayle's messangers but not the one for trademeet. We have gone through every major (and most of the minor) quests pre-underdark except the astral prison and just started on Cult of the Unseen Eye. We have still yet to be approached by someone from trademeet. All the characters in our party are custom made... fighter, swashbuckler, mage, druid, ranger, cleric. I was wondering if perhaps you need a certain class or npc in your party to get the trademeet quest or if anyone else has had this problem.