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The weapon ratings?
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 9:51 pm
by cheesewiz6
Can someone give me a quick run through of the weapon stats? I have no idea what 1d6 or 2d8 is I get the +3 hit/+3 damage thing I think.
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:20 pm
by theCheat
this game is based on the old D&D games, the ones with the dice
1D6 means one six sided die, 2D8 is two eight sided die
now when you see the +2's and +3's, it can be either to strike or damage
if it's +3 to strike, it means it is easier to hit with that weapon, as it is better balanced and such.
So, for example, man attacks orc. Man has dagger +2 strike. Orc has AC of 10. So then man rolls 20 sided die, gets a 6, adds his +4 to hit, making 10, then add the +2 to strike, making a grand total of 12, he hits
Now the dagger man attacks with is +3 damage. So he now rolls his damage, a dagger does 1D4, he gets a 2, adds his +2 strength bonus, so we now have 4 damage plus the weapons damage bonus of +3 to make a total of 7 damage to the orc
Ofcourse, the computer does all of the rolls for you, you can see them if you press one of the buttons, maybe the ALT or the shift, I forget