question about mods
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:30 pm
Hello everbody. It's been a whjile since I last sent a massege, and in that time I've fixed the bugg with shapshifting and added a few modes to may game, such as celestials,spell 50,tacticts 2,valen,ascension,mode of ease,under represented mode,unfinished business and the gray clan mod.
Now what I'm interested in is if there are some known buggs about this mods, and if I can combine all this modes together, and most inportant of all, do I need any patcehs for this modes
May the goods bless your path, for anly for the strong await the fruits of power.
Now what I'm interested in is if there are some known buggs about this mods, and if I can combine all this modes together, and most inportant of all, do I need any patcehs for this modes
May the goods bless your path, for anly for the strong await the fruits of power.