Mod and Party Help
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 5:17 pm
Hello, good sirs, you may have heard of me, if you haven't, that's okay too.
I have a few questions for you BG vets. Some of the questions require an indepth knowledge of the game's workings, and mods, so I understand if I get very few responses to the post. I also apologize for the size of the post, but that's just how the dice roll.
I would like to ask the following:
1. Is there a limit to the number of hits per round one can make?(5?)
2. Are there any mods that are not listed below which you might believe are compatible with my current setup??
3. Are there any mods listed below which will make my game NOT work in some areas?
4. Any good mods that just make the game harder in general?
5. What are the best mods for removing xp caps as need be?
6. Do you like my party concept?
7. Do you like my classes concept, and would it corrupt the game to have NPCs change their class makeup?
8. Can I acquire a HLA ability twice, and use it twice a day?
9. Is it 'okay' to have certain classes have 3 int and 3 charisma(Minsc for example)
10. Any advice on the following plan?
I intend to start a new game of Baldur's Gate 1: TotSC with BG1Tutu and other mods, and proceed to import those characters in the successing game, Baldur's Gate 2: ToD. I do NOT intend to use BG Trilogy.
I intend to go through Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, with the two expansions.
In my journeys I am not against cheating to get what I want. Either by passing a part that is corrupted by modding/otherwise, cosmetic changes(portraits), editing character stats because I don't want Minsc to be a ranger, etc. I do not, however, want to make the game easy, in fact, I would rather it be more difficult than ordinary.
For Baldur's Gate 1: TotSC| I intend to use the following mods(in no particular order):
1. Baldurdash's Fix packs.
2. Baldurdash Language text update.
3. Dudley's fixes.
4. Dudley's tweaks.
5. Some form of xp cap remover.
6. BG Tutu conversion.
7. Tutu tweaks from g3.
8. The Grey Clan addon.
9. Harder BG1 Patch.
10. Firewalker addon.
11. heart of fury.
12. ease of use.
13. dragon mod.
14. vault mod.
15. Child of Mystra forge mod.
16. NPC addon that adds banter...
I'm hoping that I will be able to play every aspect in the game succesfully with these mods here, but due to the nature of the modding process, I realize the difficulty in this. If anyone has encounters of conflicts, please, let me know.
For Baldur's gate 2: ToB| I intend to use the following mods(in order of display):
1. Baldurdash's Fix pack.
2. Big Picture Mod, which includes the following:
Tortured Soul,
Shadows of Soubar,
The Darkest Day,
3. Never Ending Journey.
4. Freedom Reign,
5. Reign of Virtue.
6. Redemption.
7. Weidu Item upgrade(Cromwell/Cespnar upgrades more items)
8. Kelsey
9. Banter Packs V4.
10. Ajoc's Minimod.
11. Munchmod.
12. Kensai Ryu's Brown Dragon.
I'm hoping that I will be able to play every aspect in the game succesfully with these mods here, but due to the nature of the modding process, I realize the difficulty in this. If anyone has encounters of conflicts, please, let me know.
My party
Imoen. For lockpicking/trap disarming
Minsc. For boo.
Keysel(From mod/addon) I would like to use him for the novelty of using an add-on NPC. Does he really have more content than other NPCs that come with the game? Until I get him in BG2, I'll use Viconia, although she has a much darker personality than my other players, I don't care if they don't!!!
Dynaheir For a mage.
Ajantis For a paladin.
The reason I chose this party was for usability(fighter/fighter/fighter/thief/cleric/mage), as well as dialogue storyline. I do not know, but I think this would represent a good amount of excellent dialogue. If you have any suggestions as to another party combination(I intend to keep this party throughout the entire game, filling in the holes as needed(collecting party, people dissapearing, etc))
One thing that I wish to do is use an editor to custom make each character's abilities. I do not want them to change balance wise, but I would like to alter their classes and what not.
My class, Kensai Thief.
1. Should I specialize in Katanas?
2. Is it 'okay'
3. How hard will it be to hit the limit with this template?(including every kind of spell assistence IE: haste items/spells/etc. Will I hit the speed limit(if any)?
I believe I read that there is a total of 90 points that you can get by rolling dice, if I can't get that much, then I will shave off points in this order -> intelligence/charisma, but still attempt to retain 18's in str/dex/con/wis.
(90 points total)
18 strength
18 Dexterity
18 constitution
9 Intelligence
18 wisdom For Resists
9 charisma
I intend to start off as a Kensai, I would like to specialize in Katana's.
At some point in time I would like to dual class to a thief, so that I gain the backstabbing ability, as well as the 'Use All Item' HLA, among other things.
With an XP cap removed, I would like to gain the best effectiveness of my classes as possible, this means waiting until the best time to dual class them, without having to worry about running out of XP for the second class to get some of their abilities. The obvious limit, of course, is the amount of xp that can be gained in one run through the games. Taking that into account, I'm not entirely sure when I would want to dual class my kensai to a thief. I want him to be mostly fighter, to be a frontline warrior doing the most damage. I do not intend on using him to open locks/ set traps/disarm traps, etc. But I would like him to be able to use the USe All Item HLA from the thief.
If I'm not mistaken, I will aquire whirlwind at level 14, and greater whirlwind at level 15. Is it possible to say, level to 16, and get greater whirlwind again, therefore being able to use it TWICE a day?
Imoen's class, Thief dual classed Mage or cleric.
1. Is a thief neccesary in BG1 or BG2, to break open locks and detect traps and such???
Her original path was pretty good, and I need a thief for stuff. I intend to use her for only thief like things(open locks etc)..
I'll probably end up dual classing her as a mage, or maybe a cleric.
Minsc's class, Berserker or monk.
Minsc was somewhat of a dilemna to me, he was a ranger, yet his 'lore' was to use a two handed sword. To fill in the need for a 'tank', I think I might just make Minsc a berserker.
One dilemna I'm running into is how am I able to best transform Minsc into a tank. My options appear to be:
Since I know very little about monks, they're somewhat of a question for me. With the nature of leveling, will minsc become a very good tank later on if he becomes a monk?
Can I dual class Minsc(as a monk) with a thief later in the game, and also get the use all item ability?
Dynaheir's class, mage.
I have absolutely no good idea of what to do with her.
It would be fun to make a wild mage, if I were to make a specialist mage, I would probably go conjurer, or maybe invoker. I would probably use imoen for my 'utility' spells.
Ajantis is somewhat of a wild card. I was thinking about getting the archer, Kivan, instead, so I'm not sure what to do with him...
Any suggestions?
I thank anyone who can, for their help. I don't want to mess up later, which is why I'm spending so much time on the beginning of my BG life.
I have a few questions for you BG vets. Some of the questions require an indepth knowledge of the game's workings, and mods, so I understand if I get very few responses to the post. I also apologize for the size of the post, but that's just how the dice roll.
I would like to ask the following:
1. Is there a limit to the number of hits per round one can make?(5?)
2. Are there any mods that are not listed below which you might believe are compatible with my current setup??
3. Are there any mods listed below which will make my game NOT work in some areas?
4. Any good mods that just make the game harder in general?
5. What are the best mods for removing xp caps as need be?
6. Do you like my party concept?
7. Do you like my classes concept, and would it corrupt the game to have NPCs change their class makeup?
8. Can I acquire a HLA ability twice, and use it twice a day?
9. Is it 'okay' to have certain classes have 3 int and 3 charisma(Minsc for example)
10. Any advice on the following plan?
I intend to start a new game of Baldur's Gate 1: TotSC with BG1Tutu and other mods, and proceed to import those characters in the successing game, Baldur's Gate 2: ToD. I do NOT intend to use BG Trilogy.
I intend to go through Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, with the two expansions.
In my journeys I am not against cheating to get what I want. Either by passing a part that is corrupted by modding/otherwise, cosmetic changes(portraits), editing character stats because I don't want Minsc to be a ranger, etc. I do not, however, want to make the game easy, in fact, I would rather it be more difficult than ordinary.
For Baldur's Gate 1: TotSC| I intend to use the following mods(in no particular order):
1. Baldurdash's Fix packs.
2. Baldurdash Language text update.
3. Dudley's fixes.
4. Dudley's tweaks.
5. Some form of xp cap remover.
6. BG Tutu conversion.
7. Tutu tweaks from g3.
8. The Grey Clan addon.
9. Harder BG1 Patch.
10. Firewalker addon.
11. heart of fury.
12. ease of use.
13. dragon mod.
14. vault mod.
15. Child of Mystra forge mod.
16. NPC addon that adds banter...
I'm hoping that I will be able to play every aspect in the game succesfully with these mods here, but due to the nature of the modding process, I realize the difficulty in this. If anyone has encounters of conflicts, please, let me know.
For Baldur's gate 2: ToB| I intend to use the following mods(in order of display):
1. Baldurdash's Fix pack.
2. Big Picture Mod, which includes the following:
Tortured Soul,
Shadows of Soubar,
The Darkest Day,
3. Never Ending Journey.
4. Freedom Reign,
5. Reign of Virtue.
6. Redemption.
7. Weidu Item upgrade(Cromwell/Cespnar upgrades more items)
8. Kelsey
9. Banter Packs V4.
10. Ajoc's Minimod.
11. Munchmod.
12. Kensai Ryu's Brown Dragon.
I'm hoping that I will be able to play every aspect in the game succesfully with these mods here, but due to the nature of the modding process, I realize the difficulty in this. If anyone has encounters of conflicts, please, let me know.
My party
Imoen. For lockpicking/trap disarming
Minsc. For boo.
Keysel(From mod/addon) I would like to use him for the novelty of using an add-on NPC. Does he really have more content than other NPCs that come with the game? Until I get him in BG2, I'll use Viconia, although she has a much darker personality than my other players, I don't care if they don't!!!
Dynaheir For a mage.
Ajantis For a paladin.
The reason I chose this party was for usability(fighter/fighter/fighter/thief/cleric/mage), as well as dialogue storyline. I do not know, but I think this would represent a good amount of excellent dialogue. If you have any suggestions as to another party combination(I intend to keep this party throughout the entire game, filling in the holes as needed(collecting party, people dissapearing, etc))
One thing that I wish to do is use an editor to custom make each character's abilities. I do not want them to change balance wise, but I would like to alter their classes and what not.
My class, Kensai Thief.
1. Should I specialize in Katanas?
2. Is it 'okay'
3. How hard will it be to hit the limit with this template?(including every kind of spell assistence IE: haste items/spells/etc. Will I hit the speed limit(if any)?
I believe I read that there is a total of 90 points that you can get by rolling dice, if I can't get that much, then I will shave off points in this order -> intelligence/charisma, but still attempt to retain 18's in str/dex/con/wis.
(90 points total)
18 strength
18 Dexterity
18 constitution
9 Intelligence
18 wisdom For Resists
9 charisma
I intend to start off as a Kensai, I would like to specialize in Katana's.
At some point in time I would like to dual class to a thief, so that I gain the backstabbing ability, as well as the 'Use All Item' HLA, among other things.
With an XP cap removed, I would like to gain the best effectiveness of my classes as possible, this means waiting until the best time to dual class them, without having to worry about running out of XP for the second class to get some of their abilities. The obvious limit, of course, is the amount of xp that can be gained in one run through the games. Taking that into account, I'm not entirely sure when I would want to dual class my kensai to a thief. I want him to be mostly fighter, to be a frontline warrior doing the most damage. I do not intend on using him to open locks/ set traps/disarm traps, etc. But I would like him to be able to use the USe All Item HLA from the thief.
If I'm not mistaken, I will aquire whirlwind at level 14, and greater whirlwind at level 15. Is it possible to say, level to 16, and get greater whirlwind again, therefore being able to use it TWICE a day?
Imoen's class, Thief dual classed Mage or cleric.
1. Is a thief neccesary in BG1 or BG2, to break open locks and detect traps and such???
Her original path was pretty good, and I need a thief for stuff. I intend to use her for only thief like things(open locks etc)..
I'll probably end up dual classing her as a mage, or maybe a cleric.
Minsc's class, Berserker or monk.
Minsc was somewhat of a dilemna to me, he was a ranger, yet his 'lore' was to use a two handed sword. To fill in the need for a 'tank', I think I might just make Minsc a berserker.
One dilemna I'm running into is how am I able to best transform Minsc into a tank. My options appear to be:
Since I know very little about monks, they're somewhat of a question for me. With the nature of leveling, will minsc become a very good tank later on if he becomes a monk?
Can I dual class Minsc(as a monk) with a thief later in the game, and also get the use all item ability?
Dynaheir's class, mage.
I have absolutely no good idea of what to do with her.
It would be fun to make a wild mage, if I were to make a specialist mage, I would probably go conjurer, or maybe invoker. I would probably use imoen for my 'utility' spells.
Ajantis is somewhat of a wild card. I was thinking about getting the archer, Kivan, instead, so I'm not sure what to do with him...
Any suggestions?
I thank anyone who can, for their help. I don't want to mess up later, which is why I'm spending so much time on the beginning of my BG life.