Yup... Another Jaheira problem
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:03 pm
And before all of you say "search the forum for the answer" I did..
I've read "Jon Deep's" walkthrough to Jaheira's romance, but I'm stuck!!
I was summoned to the Harper hold and answered the stupid questions and killed the Harper's with Jaheira's help off course, but in the walkthrough it says that you have to be attacked by the bandits who's holding Jaheirs up to be summoned to the hold, but that never happened..
I guess 4 Game days later I decide to take on Kangaxx, and then all of my NPC's got imprisoned, not me off course, and then I throw a freedom spell and got all of them i back, and then I take them back on. I didn't thought at that time that it would affect the romance but apparently it has, because she haven't started a conversation since... I'm in Ust Natha now, and it is probably 20 game days or so since, I even paused the game to speed it up, but nothing... Then I remembered I could use SK to alter the progress, but how do you do that, I found the place where it says Jaheiraromanceactive: 3, and I guess it shouldn't be 3, but what then??? And would it start the romance from where it stopped?? Plz anyone help
I've read "Jon Deep's" walkthrough to Jaheira's romance, but I'm stuck!!
I was summoned to the Harper hold and answered the stupid questions and killed the Harper's with Jaheira's help off course, but in the walkthrough it says that you have to be attacked by the bandits who's holding Jaheirs up to be summoned to the hold, but that never happened..
I guess 4 Game days later I decide to take on Kangaxx, and then all of my NPC's got imprisoned, not me off course, and then I throw a freedom spell and got all of them i back, and then I take them back on. I didn't thought at that time that it would affect the romance but apparently it has, because she haven't started a conversation since... I'm in Ust Natha now, and it is probably 20 game days or so since, I even paused the game to speed it up, but nothing... Then I remembered I could use SK to alter the progress, but how do you do that, I found the place where it says Jaheiraromanceactive: 3, and I guess it shouldn't be 3, but what then??? And would it start the romance from where it stopped?? Plz anyone help