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Mods and Mac (and the Darkest Day)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 3:31 am
by nuuti
Okay, I have now installed the Bioware official patch for SoA and some of the Baldurdash fixes (not all, because there wasn't any installer for Mac and I had to do it fix by fix, one at a time, so I left some out which I didn't think were necessary). I don't have ToB, by the way (not yet anyhow).

So I am totally bored with Anomen romancing female character (even though I haven't tried it all through yet) and want some refreshment with the game. I am thinking about the Solaufein mod, and the Chloe mod. I read that they run well together. And I am all for the conversation and romances in the game anyway, so that's what I am looking for.

So I found the Sola mod for MacOS 9.1 but the Chloe is still a big question, my husband tries to open it at work (with better computers than we have at home). Has anyone any knowledge if it works in MacOS 9.1?

And we also have the Darkest Day, I tried the search, but found almost nothing about it. Is it good? Is it more battle oriented than RPG oriented? And if I install it, should I do it before or after the Sola mod and the Chloe mod?

Also if anyone out there knows a list of mods which are compatible with MacOS 9.1, please let me know. It is hard to browse through the sites and try to find the information out there, which often isn't there anyway. (And the reason we have Macs is because we are graphic designers - or something - and use them to do our work, and don't have money to get a PC for a game machine :p - and MacOSX sucks). Please, help a damsell in distress! :D

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 8:02 am
by jcompton
Relatively few mods are compatible with MacOS 9 because WeiDU has not been ported to anything but Mac OS X.

So you can play TDD, but you'll be fairly unlikely to be able to play much that adds new dialogue and romance.

(As an aside, a used PC capable of playing BG2 would be... damn near free at this point.)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:08 pm
by nuuti
Thanks. I guess I'll have to be satisfied with TDD and the Sola mod for now.

There is the question, that where the heck would we put a third computer in our home (if we would get a PC). ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 1:41 pm
by Thrain
in my experience, TDD is extremely buggy and doesn't work too well with some mods (i can't remember what they were)

however, it does add so much that its worth a look