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Stumped in SOU - shield guardian (spoiler)

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:36 pm
by Bishop
Stumped in SOU - shield guardian

I am in the excavated ruins and have discoverd a shield guarian guarding the remains of his master. The master has great magic items that I want to loot, but the guardian will kill me if I touch it. I am a level 9 wizard, and have all the great magic items the game offers up to this point, but the stupid guardian is imune to magic, so I'm screwed. I read in some walkthroughs that you can talk the guardian into letting you "retrieve" his masters belongings, but I have tried every which way of talking to this guy to no avail. Can somebody please help me with this?

I tried meleeing the thing with a henchmen but he regenerates faster than we can damage him. Please help.


Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:15 am
by Xandax
Well - generally for arcane magic users in situations like this I would fully recommend the "Tenser's Transformation (spelling?)" spell.
Try and see if you can get ahold of some scrolls of this spell, and it will make your "life" a whole lot easier.

I can't remember how to beat him as a wizard withouth said spells, but summons of any kind would be helpfull (especially Morderkins Sword (spelling?)) if he is completely immune to all magical damage types (fire, cold, acid, lightning).

I think it is possible to talk him into you "looting" the corpse of his Master. But as far as I can see, it requirs successfull insight and persuade rolls in the convesation to convice the Golem.

By the way: I've added a spoiler tag to your thread title to avoid people getting accidently spoiled. :cool:

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:20 am
by Eagle1Kenobi
You could also try finding something like a +2 or +3 missile weapon with equivilantly rated projectiles, such as a composite shortbow +3 with lightning arrows, or a sling +2 with +3 bullets or magicly enhanced bullets.

Another tactic I've had to use in the past works with acid and poison. If you can create/enhance a weapon or find a weapon that employs acid and/or poison damage, they seem to come in handy in such situations.

If there are any other areas in the game you have not gone to, which are listed in your journal, that you can get to ... you may also wish to put the ruins on hold while you level.

Short of Xandax's and my own suggestions above, however, about the only other suggestion I could make is to save your current character and then start a new game of SoU .. leveling through it again to obtain higher spell levels and resources. You might also import your character into either the original NWN or HoTU(if you have it) ... in an attempt to find the specific needed spells or items to assist with your problem.

Hope this helps

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:30 am
by Stilgar
I dont know if it's available to you already, but you could try tenserstransformation. works great against those enemy's

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:40 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Stilgar
I dont know if it's available to you already, but you could try tenserstransformation. works great against those enemy's

*cough* read my post *cough* :D

But yes - it can not be stressed enough. Tensers Transformation can be a real lifesaver against such enemies :cool:

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:07 am
by Bishop
I wanted to let you guys know what finally worked for me. Thank you for your advice, but I had read on some other online walkthroughs that there was a way to talk the guardian into letting you have the master's belongings.

The trick is high wisdom. My wisdom is relatively low, so I drank a potion of owls wisdom that cranked my wisdom way up. While enhanced in this way, the conversation had a persuade check that wasn't there before that was something like "your master sent me to retrieve his belonging".

Thanks all for the advice, and I certainly wish I had a Tenser's Transformation spell, but alas, none have dropped and no merchant to this point has had one for sale.


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:45 am
by Stilgar
Originally posted by Xandax
*cough* read my post *cough* :D

But yes - it can not be stressed enough. Tensers Transformation can be a real lifesaver against such enemies :cool:

Sorry must have missed that.