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Solo dragon slayer

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 2:34 am
by Yeltsu
Hiya guys

I am currently soloing with a lvl 13 Kensai\lvl 17 thief, But do anyone have a good stratigy for fighting dragons?
I know that Daystar works well on the shadow dragon, But I never get enough time to cast sunray before he blows me away.
And of course there is firkraag and all the other dragons in the game, I am also planning on playing ToB once I finish SoA with this caracter.

oh, and do anyone have a good stratigy to defeating liches as well?

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 4:29 am
by Sytze
Taking out a dragon when you're soloing is quite hard. Especially when you don't have mage spells at your disposal.

I advice you to set a lot of traps, as many as possible actually. Then drink a few potions which raise your magic resistance. With the Shadow Dragon I also advice you to get some protection against level draining.
After that, well, try to run around a bit, wait till his protections run off and then hit him with everything you got.

With Liches I advice you to use Daystar. ;)
If you want to make sure you don’t get hit by most of his spells, do this:
-Run to, and away from his as fast as possible (assuming you've got the boots of speed). This way you draw his deathspell, and that spell alone to yourself.
-Get an item which summons a creature.
-Summon the creature and move it to the Lich. It should cast timestop and use most of his symbols and spell on the creature.
-Now you attack him, and when he casts mislead, remove yourself from the battle and try to detect illusions (I assume you got a decent amount of thieve points in that ability, right??)
-When the lich shows itself again, beat the heck out of it with Daystar and use the swords ability.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 4:43 am
by Yeltsu
Thanks alot Sytze, I'll try those out