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Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 2:50 am
by Patrick
How do I remove the EXP cap? I think its at 161,000 now,
Also does this new EXP transfer over to BG2. What exp level do you start out with in BG2? Thanks--true fan,,,,,

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 4:50 am
by Yeltsu
In BG2 SoA you start out at lvl 7 regardless of class, and the exp cap is raised to 2 900 000 exp

and in ToB the exp cap is further raised to 8 000 000 exp!!

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 5:16 am
by Gauda
You start with 89 000 xp to be precise in SOA. I would recommend removing the xp cap in bg1 since you will hit it pretty fast especially with TOSC installed. I think I had close to 400 000 xp when I finished bg last time.

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 10:50 am
by Coot
You can download an xp cap remover here

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:29 pm
by Patrick
Where at on that site "Coot"??

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:51 am
by Patrick
Ok I went site and found a BG XP cap remover, downloaded but something isn't working. I believe I was supposed to add it to my directiry BGmain.exe. I did with winace? Did I do something wrong it does not work? Also I now have a double version of this file in my BG files. Now two BGmain.exe. files, one recent and modified. So what did I do wrong. I wish it was easy to install. I am not yet a ccomputer wiz but any help would be cool?? Thanks BG fan!

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:25 pm
by Patrick

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 3:02 pm
by Patrick
Come on Guys, (girls), does not anyone know how to use this EXP cap remover patch/mod? Give me some advice!!!
Plus does this patch work with Tales of the Sword Coast, because it says that it is BG 1. with an EXP cap of 89,000.
I already have 161,000. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

P.s. can I use gate keeper to go beyond the 161,000???

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:45 pm
by VonDondu
I don't see how you can have two files named BGMAIN.EXE in the same folder. Are you sure that one of them isn't called BGMAIN2.EXE or something like that?

I use an experience cap remover that goes into the /OVERRIDE directory. You can download it here. It's the one called "Baldur's Gate XP Cap Disabler". Instead of removing the experience cap, it sets the experience cap for all of the classes to -1, which effectively disables it. No fuss, no mess. :) There's also one called "Godlike", but I wouldn't use any type of crack that overwrites or modifies my BGMAIN.EXE file.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:24 pm
by Patrick
Vondondu thnaks for the help again.
As you were saying the file does say BGMain2.exe .
Is this bad? Also should I justg delete it or leave it?

Also when I installed that patch you gave me it already leveled up my characors, when I loaded from an old save they had like 200,000 exp already, and I still have more to quest for. What is the highest lev/exp you all can get from BG1. Thanks again for your help, its been real,
BG Fan

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:30 am
by Coot
I suppose you could remove it, but there's no harm in leaving it there... that is, if your game is working all right.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:34 pm
by VonDondu
You are supposed to have BGMAIN.EXE and BGMAIN2.EXE in your Baldur's Gate directory. They are part of the game. Don't delete either of them. If you used "Godlike", I think it changed one of them, but that shouldn't cause any problems. (Lots of people have used "Godlike" without any problems; I used to use it myself before TeamBG released their simple, elegant "XP Cap Disabler".)

When I played a game with just my main character and Imoen, they each had about 650,000 experience points when I finished Tales of the Sword Coast. So I estimate that the total amount of experience you can expect to get (divided among your party members) is somewhere around 1.3 million points. A party of six could probably get around 220,000 experience points apiece. I don't remember ever going way over the limit with a full party of six. However, I wasn't going out of my way to earn as much experience as I could, so it might be possible to earn more experience than that. There are places where monsters respawn, and there are bugs that let you get experience for the same quest over and over (and of course, you can cheat by creating monsters with the CLUAConsole commands), but I never bothered to take advantage of them.

By the way, to answer a previous question, you can use Gatekeeper to change your party members' experience. However, I don't think you can change their level (although I could be wrong), so once they level up, you can't change them back. (That can be a problem if you change your mind and want to dual-class them or something.) There are several things I don't like about Gatekeeper. For example, it doesn't give you as much control as ShadowKeeper (the BG2 editor), and it has a way of doing things it's not supposed to, such as changing a non-gnomish Cleric/Illusionist to a Cleric/Mage if you try to edit the character (since only gnomes can be Cleric/Illusionists, which defeats the purpose of using a character editor). So I tend to use CLUAConsole codes instead of Gatekeeper.

For example, the code
will set the highlighted character's experience to 161,000. Whatever you put inside the quotation marks (for example, 161,000) is a variable, and you can change it to whatever you like. That's true of all of the other CLUAConsole codes, as well.

There are other handy codes such as:
CLUAConsole:AddGold("5000") (substitute any value you prefer for "5000")
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("SCRL75",5) (substitute any item code and quantity)
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("GHAST") (consult a list of creature codes)
CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR3900") (consult a list of areas, or use Ctrl-L to make your own list)

Use such codes at your own risk. :)

I also prefer to play in Multiplayer Mode instead of Single-Player Mode. It lets you swap out characters (those you create yourself, that it), and it lets you pause the game and look in your inventory without unpausing the game. The biggest drawback is that you lose your old character's records (such as time spent in party, number of kills, etc.).

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:20 pm
by Grojlach
A bit off topic, but good to see you again, VonDondu! It's certainly been a while. :) How have you been in the past few years? (Or should we drag this to PM?)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 11:31 am
by Godly Force

um when u download the exp disabler and it saves to ur bg cd then is it supposed to show up as a program of folder of something

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:01 am
by Godly Force

i accedently deleated my extra file and thus my override file and when i went in to the recycle bin and got them back it put them in a burn cd folder and i can't burn any thing onto my bg cd it says "the cd u have entered is either full or cannot be modified please insurt a blank cd" how can i fix this

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 3:00 am
by Patrick
I'm not to sure but you may want to reinstall, (uninstall and reinstall you game. you can pick up from an old save

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 12:05 am
by GameLoser
Help me too!

Man I downloaded the cap disabler and it told me to unzip it to another folder! exactly what folder do i unzip to? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 3:00 am
by Coot
[QUOTE=Godly Force]i accedently deleated my extra file and thus my override file and when i went in to the recycle bin and got them back it put them in a burn cd folder and i can't burn any thing onto my bg cd it says "the cd u have entered is either full or cannot be modified please insurt a blank cd" how can i fix this[/QUOTE]Um, you don't have to put anything on cd...
What you do is this:
- Go here
- Download the xp disabler to anywhere you want on your computer, say to your desktop.
- unzip the file to your override folder.
- start the game.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:25 am
by GameLoser
im lost here too ppl

:mad: is the name of the file that u unzip to just override or is there more to the name ? example: BGOverride (im sorry to ask but im really bad with computers :( )

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:32 am
by Sabre
The default place to put those files is in: C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\Override\ - this is if you did not change where the game is to be installed to when you first install it. Hope that help.