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How do you create Constant Effect enchantments?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:27 pm
by Indianasmith
How powerful a soul do you have to trap? Can a Mages Guild enchanter do it for you? Can a fairly commonplace item (say a glass helm) hold a CE enchantment? Sorry for such a newbie question, but I'm really just now exploring enchantments.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:28 am
by Dark Master
I think a glass helm can hold a CE enchantment, but not a particularly great one. Really you want equisite clothing to put on underneath your armour, and in particular equisite rings and amulets. (Value 240). You need a soul with 400 charges for a constant effect item, and yes, a Mages guild enchanter can do it for you. Be sure to bribe thier disposition up to 100 first, using sums of 100 gold, since it will be a very expensive enchantment and getting thier disposition to 100 will rebound in a saving of 5-10 thousand drakes - and thats assuming you're only making a fairly basic item.

The following souls will have 400+ charges and also stated are the gems that can hold them:

Staada (Golden saint on Azura's quest for the star) Grand Gem (Azura's star does not work since you don't have the star till after you kill her).
Ascended Sleepers. Grand Gem. Azura's Star.
Golden Saint. Grand Gem. Azura's Star.
Vivec. Azura's Star.
Almalexia. Azura's Star.


Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 3:12 am
by JesterKing
yes when you are enchanting somehting and select an item, in the upper right corner it will say 0/x. the x is the magnitude of the enchantment, such as how many points you can make the spell. I would stronly suggest only one spell per item, it conserves enchantment space, and since i want the maximum spell power for my coin, thats just what i do... as DM says exquisit rings and amulets are the best i have found so far, but since you can only have 2 rings and 1 amulet at a time i put minor stuff on my armor that isnt already enchanted, such as glass greaves with 5 or so fortify strength. If you are strong enough, buy the 'summon golden saint spell' and get soul trap ready. if you do that then you dont have to worry about wasteing souls and enchant your own items, save you a couple million gold in the long run, so i say instead of enchanting one item constant effect, spend half that on training from Qorwynn, near the exit from the stronghold Indoranyon, who is a master, get your encahnt to 100 and let loose your skills. good luck

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 9:15 am
by Indianasmith

My woodelf is a Trollkin, and keeps getting toasted by fire spells. I'm thinking if I can enchant my helmet, greaves, etc. to resist fire at 5 - 10 pts each that I can build up his resistance enough to avoid dying quite so much. At the moment, all I have trapped is a Dremora. I have also discovered that bows don't seem to enchant very well, which is quite frustrating.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 9:29 am
by dragon wench
My character was quite vulnerable to poison, so in order to get around the problem I CE enchanted a shirt with one point of dispel (in addition to water walking I think). I now find that any spell such as poison, fire etc. only has a brief effect, so 'dispel magic' might be another possibility to consider.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:22 pm
by i4v02v95i5p09k9
Are you talking about a Constant effect Dispel enchantment? I thought the point cost on those were simply enormous

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:30 pm
by dragon wench
Yes, I used an exquisite shirt, and placed one single point of 'constant effect' dispel on it, while spending the remaining points on water walking. Actually, I think I might have placed the water walking effect on it first, I can't recall. It is best to experiment with this though, because the order in which you place enchantments seems to influence the point cost. Also, I would assume that if you are only using it for dispel you can up the points you use for dispel, thus making the item even better.

I had orignally tried CE cure poison, but the point cost for that was entirely out of reach, so I decided to try this instead since the point cost is far cheaper. The shirt works like a charm, and is effective against most, if not all, destructive magic...very handy for traps if your security skill is low ! :cool:

Note: I always create a separate save slot prior to having anything enchanted. That way I can test the item out to see if it works the way I want it to.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 2:18 pm
by i4v02v95i5p09k9
Yes, free insurance is indeed a wonderful thing to have.. wish my car did.. :rolleyes:

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 2:36 pm
by arno_v
I wish I could save in real live, that would make everything a lot better :cool:

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 6:02 pm
by JesterKing
Yea... ill have to try the shirt and pants... why the heck did that never before occur to me!?! i never knew what dispel magic did before, my characters havent been strong in that area... ok that will probably help. thanks... saving in life would be very cool...

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 6:10 pm
by Dark Master
I would have saved my life just before France equalised against England last night. :( For anybody who doesn't know what I'm talking about, its too painful to talk about...

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 6:15 pm
by dragon wench
There is a thread about the Cup in the Speak Your Mind Forum. No doubt there will be some around who share your pain... ;)