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Is it possible...???

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 11:20 pm
by evaD
Hello folks,

I am new to this forum... but certainly not new to KOTOR.

I have a question, however :( POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD ***)

is it possible to do the Genohardran Bounty Quest and yet be lightside??? I am going through as a LS Scoundrel/Consular (have beaten game 4 times on different settings) and really would like some of the goodies of the Genohardran Quests... lest the Dark Side points that come with it. Is there any definite way to gain all the points I lost back to light side by some trick (i.e. infinite light side points glitch... i know they exist for dark side points). So basically... some help would be appreciated. I wanna get my hands on that Genohardran stealth suit... indeed that would suit me well.

(p.s. My stats for Scoundrel/Consular started w/:
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 16
Const: 12
Intell: 10
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 14

Does this sound good? (the only skills i want are Persuasion, Stealth, and Security ... and a little treat injury)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 12:02 am
by evaD
Ok... I just had an epiphany... so correct me if I am wrong... but I am attempting to answer my own question :( POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD****)

If there is any way I can go to Dantooine... become a Jedi... blah blah blah... then go to Tatooine and beat the world and Get first Star Map... kill Calo Nord.. blah blah... then on the way back the Twilek dude tells me I dropped the Datapad... then I can go right to Manaan... do the Genohardaran quest to get the goodies (but not necessarily beat the level as to get another star map or anything as to bring the destruction of Taris quicker) and then to counteract all the evil I did and the DS points i received (the whole idea here is that I want the goodies w/out having to take all the DS points) I would go back to Dantooine and do that whole thing with Rahasia that gives me as many light side points as I want.

So... would that work??? I think... as it works through my mind... that it is a sure thing. Someone help me on this one.