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Favorite/most valuable NPC and why
Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 10:28 pm
by FireLighter
Whats everyones fav NPC, or jus most valuable in your oponion. (sorry if im not makin correct sentences, im tired!!) My favorite NPC for bg1 would have to be xan(not sure on spelling) , i only like him because he isnt a panzy, he goes up to the front lines with that cool lookin sword of his and chops them to pieces. And once you level him up a lot he becomes a decent spellcaster as well.
You find him being held prisoner at the end of nashkel mines quest.
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 3:10 am
by Coot
No offense FL, but I had to smile out loud because of the '...and chops them to pieces' part. Xan has a nice sword but he couldn't use it to fight his way out of a wet paper bag... because he's a mage and they don't melee very well.
Xan is one of my favorites though, his soundset is one of the best! And he is a very good mage. Although nobody beats Edwin in the wizardry dept.
My favorite NPC is a couple though: Eldoth and Skie. They're both quite useful (although Skie isn't the greatest thief in Faerun, but that was probably done on purpose) and they have great soundsets. The thing I like best about them is their story. It's very unlike the other NPC's. Just compare them to, say, Ajantis or Branwen. Also, when Eldoth joins your party, you have to wait quite some time to get to Skie.
I'm really sorry they didn't make it to BG2.
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 10:04 am
by Friend of yours
It's hard for me to decide which I like best, but I think I'll have to go with Xan as well.
but I had to smile out loud because of the '...and chops them to pieces' part.
I never tire of directing Xan and have him disrespectfully and non-chalantly tell me Whatever...too funny.
But seriously, he does have one of the best personalities, so I'll go ahead and take him as fav. But there is one way to get him some 'action' with his
fabulous flaming sword. If I'm fighting several hefty baddies I'll have him cast two or more minor drains which will add enough hit points to send him into battle with his 'flaming' sword. (Cue Erasure's O'Lamour when Xan heads into battle).
If you keep him, and I do, you do have to deal with his 7 constitution. And if you're a purist like I am (moooost of the time), you don't re-load (re-roll) his added hit points when leveling up. He gained one HP during one level up, and I kept it. I play with the cards dealt. But his CON is truly a burden. Fully role playing Xan, he's one that probably has incessant allergies, constantly sneezing and coughing, probably has bad eyesight...very likely to get something much worse with his CON and stress level...dude is way stressed out. But he's a keeper.
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 10:18 am
by FireLighter
Heh ya. that 7 con sucks badly, but hes still fun to 'try' to kill stuff with.
im kinda shaky on all the stats, because i havent played in like a year or so. cant find my disk 2, so i gotta wait a little while! >_<
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 11:55 am
by Curry
uhum ... Most valuable? Kivan. He is killing machine. Favorite? Tiax of course
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:37 pm
by VonDondu
My favorite (a close call) is Minsc. I really admire his gusto.
The most valuable is Imoen. She can dual-class to a Mage or, with the right equipment and potions (or spells), she can backstab the heck out of the big monsters when frontline warriors are getting chopped to pieces. Early in the game, her lock-picking, pickpocketing, and shoplifting can make a big difference in loot,
when you really need it.
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 7:49 pm
by Aqua-chan
As per favorite, Khalid. He has so much character invested into him (as far as that was developed in BG1). He truly does seem to be the man who's dragged along with his obnoxious wife, being her counterpart and trying to prevent her from getting them into too much trouble while at the same time trying to prove himself to her. In fact, I remember one of his right-click dialogs:
"If at first I don't succeed... the wife will not let me forget."
And he stutters, which is an example that he is one of the more in-depth characters as they emphasized him not being perfect. Others will disagree with me.
Most useful? Branwen for me. I always play a Nuetral based party, and Branwen is my favorite cleric in BG1 simply because she's straight-kit and is flexible with alignment. I also found her Turn Undead to be quite helpful at Firewine. She's not a tank, but I love her anyway.
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 11:30 pm
by Coot
[QUOTE=Aqua-chan]As per favorite, Khalid. He has so much character invested into him (as far as that was developed in BG1). He truly does seem to be the man who's dragged along with his obnoxious wife, being her counterpart and trying to prevent her from getting them into too much trouble while at the same time trying to prove himself to her. In fact, I remember one of his right-click dialogs:
"If at first I don't succeed... the wife will not let me forget."
And he stutters, which is an example that he is one of the more in-depth characters as they emphasized him not being perfect. Others will disagree with me.[/QUOTE]I won't. I defended Khalid more than a few times on this forum for the very same reasons you mention.
Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:08 am
by oberon
Coran Rocks! Elf F/T, he starts at a reasonably high level(s), and he has a DEX of 20 - without augmentation of any kind! Amazing stealth skills; plus, he is involved with two subplots in the game. FUN 2 PLAY!!
Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 6:04 pm
by Patrick
I like Branwen, her Norse persona is cool. I wished I keep her through last game but took the trade with Yeslick who is a pain. Branwen with Exp. cap removed would be pretty high level too.
Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:32 pm
by Skuld
This is a close one for me, but I think Kivan wins over Xan by just enough. Kivan has been there for me since day one. I think he was actually the first NPC I picked up aside from the stupid ones you're "supposed to" pick up. Whether he's got a bow or sword he's takin 'em down left and right. And I almost never burden him down with heavy armour having him stay a true Ranger. But Xan is probably one of the most underrated NPCs in the game. Sure he can't cast the devastating damage dealing spells that Dhynaheir can, but load him up with some Burning Hands, Melf's Acid Arrows, and Skull Traps and he's just as much fun as a barrel of monkeys. Threads like this make me wanna reinstall and play again. And I just might.
And as per Branwen. She's awesome. You can't beat the Norse soundset. And she's always my pick for a Cleric.
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:37 pm
by The Jester
The coolest NpC in the game is Khalid.He is a really good guy leaded by a stupid Harper!Jaheira **ck, i hate her.IN BG2 i let her rot in her cage and cry for Khalid alone, really....
The most usefull one however is Safanna, maybe she got a ******tute personnality but she's a darn good thief.I picked her when i was lvl 2 so i made of her a killin machine.How? backstabs all the way!!!She is so usefull!!!.Ill finish this reply with a line of their soudtracks.
-Discretion is the better part of valor!-Khalid
-No cause worth to die for it!-Safanna
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:42 am
by me0w
Xan's constitution and personna was too much for me, I ended up despising him after a short run in my party (first play, since then, I don't even converse with him.. most characters who I find unworthy of my party as set out in pink and turquise)
Kivan is a great character, but for some reason I never let him stay, I just really like Kaigan, he is an amusing guy, I love his dialogues with Edwin things like "Watchout, theres a trap" with Edwin's reply of "Silence, lest you meet my boot" (or something like that, heh)
I really like Branwin, I've played her twice, she is a good cleric.
However, the top 2 characters have to be Edwin, due to his brilliant stats, humour, great dialogue and the evil factor. Other character has to be Coran, he is really good, saves me from a straight thief, (Imoen angers me, although she is very usefull...) also, he is a great fighter, has decent dialogue, has great stats to lead a party (18 charisma, 20 dex, etc)
Minsc is also good.
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 4:20 am
by Tyraxor
My favourite is Minsc. How can anyone dislike him?
-Go for the eyes Boo, go for the eyes! RASK!!!
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:30 am
by Curry
Swords and steel, the stuff of legends! Right Boo?
Ehem, well Minsc's int and wis suck
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:04 pm
by CrownHead
So? That doesn't matter, he's a ranger!
Anyway, my favorite (playable) NPC would have to be Kagain. Give him the Gauntlets of Dexterity and he's automatically the best fighter in the game, along with natural 20 constitution which makes him regenerate. I always pick him up to be the fighter in my party.
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 3:17 pm
by me0w
If only they made minsc a warrior, or atleast made him a barbarian in #2.
He would definately be the best (mainly due to the fun factor) .. I would be so gratefull with more than 2 proficiency points.
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:49 pm
by afterblue
Okay Mom!
My favorite, is the woman suffering perpetually from the nastiest case of PMS, Jahiera herself. Someone who can cast spells, fight well and chew you out whether you are too good or too bad. It used to drive me mad the way she would sarcastically say in a suspiciously Middle Eastern accent `Yes, oh omnipotent authority figure' and `I don't like the way this group is heading, perhaps better leadership is required!". Minsc might be the more lovable, Khalid the more layered, Xan may have cooler lines, but Jahiera, for me, rules. She kinda reminds me of my mother, lol.
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:00 am
by Daveron
My fave would have to be minsc becauses hes so funny and dumb. I also like xan and khalid because they have very unique personalitys.
Most valuble would have to be either edwin or viciona because 50 magic resistance is awesome and all of edwins spells are great in the early game and late
. Anyway thats just my 2 cents worth but I bet heaps of other people think edwins the best to
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:20 am
by Arilds
I have played the games several times now, and the only character that is always with me is Minsc. His soundset really cracks me up
And he is even more essential in BG2 and Throne. Besides being funny, he is one hell of a fighter. With the right magic items of course