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Anomen question

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 2:49 pm
by Estie
It seems like all my problems are centered around Anomen... Alright... (not sure if this is a spoiler)
It seems that Anomen has run off since Seark really did kill his sister and now his dad is dead too. Is he just gone? Or is there some way to get the game back under control? (he kinda had some good stuff, otherwise I would just consider dumping him) As a note, he is currently sir anomen and I've been everywhere looking for him except Seark's estate (I probably spelled that wrong) since I don't want to rush in there. Any advice?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 5:07 pm
by Aqua-chan
If your Lawful Good Anomen has returned to Saerk after that messenger you can stop him by following him to the Farrahd home in the bridge district and talk him out of the ordeal. If he kills Saerk he will leave the party for good. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 5:35 pm
by Estie
So that is the only option? Yeah I went there and took me several reloads, but eventually I got the right combo of words to calm him down. Is that the end of his romance thingy? He was really begining to annoy me, but if he stops talking so much, I think I can stand to keep him in.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 6:14 pm
by Aqua-chan
If you romance Anomen and encourage him to kill Saerk then that's it, but since you stopped him and Saerk was left to the authorities the romance will continue on. This ends Anomen's initial quest and you'll just get a couple of LOVETALKS before you finish or install ToB. :)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:10 am
by Coot
[QUOTE=Estie]So that is the only option? Yeah I went there and took me several reloads, but eventually I got the right combo of words to calm him down. Is that the end of his romance thingy? He was really begining to annoy me, but if he stops talking so much, I think I can stand to keep him in. [/QUOTE]
You mean you don't like Anomen? Why?? Is it the beard? Is his mace too small?
No, it's because he said you remind him of his sister, right? Sure, that one was one of the world's worst pick-up lines, but he does and says some nice things too later on, like with the (spoiler) rose... c'mon, give the boy a chance... ;) ;) ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:30 am
by Aqua-chan
*hugs Coot* I'm really starting to like you. :D

Estie - You'll likely get one or two more conversations from him in SoA before the romance is "over". After that there's nothing left to do until you install the expansion when the romance will continue on and eventually wrap up. ;)