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Does richness give the happyness?

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:44 am
by tamenrot
I think it maybe does, al least when you own about 50million golds.
I don't know what happened. I was heading any place where to sell my goods; some pearls, a pair of diamonds, one or two plates that my enemies would never dress again, you know. I reached the Docks District and pointed to the Shadow Thieves' guild, as I had a friend there.
She offered me to view the shop, nothing interesting. So I invited her to take a look to my backpack. And oh surprise! You know? She was giving me 30million golds for my Heart Seeker +3. I thought she was suffering from some "bugs" in her shop. Maybe I was a bit bad boy... I sold my bow. Indeed, 30million golds. Oh Gods! I took a look... and she was selling me it again for only 7000. Mmm... what a pretty chance, was it? So I bought my old bow again, of course. And then she offered me about 20million golds for a sword, I don't remember which one, maybe that I have taken from the wretched body of a lich in the Gates District... mmmm...what could I do, tell me. If you are wandering from one house to other, taking the few golds you find... why not to take the chance? I sold my sword, and I bought it back. Ohhhh yeah! 50million golds. All legal. No corpses, no violence.
Perhaps she took me for an old lover, I don't know. But now I have 20million golds and no money problem forever. All the way, I cannot go back to the Shadow Thieves -sometimes I suffer pangs of conscience- as I am struggling for my destiny, the Throne of Bhaal. Being a Bhaalspam gives so maaany problems...

To calm my remorses I donate some money in a temple. And now I hate the miserly monks because 30million golds didn't increase a bit my reputation. Sob.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:21 pm
by nephtu

Money cannot buy happiness.

It can, however, finance an extensive search ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:54 pm
by tamenrot

... the purpose of the thread was to surprise the audience with the words "50million golds", but I think that I've failed. I really got 50millions, I swear, 50 000 000 gold coins!!

And in the other hand, I think that richness doesn't give happyness... unless you get it in small pieces. Sometimes you are rich, sometimes not, so you learn to appreciate all what you've got as you don't know what there'll be after.
I think that richness is not the amount of money that you can gather, but the amount of happynes you feel inwards. In the real world, of course, because in Baldur's Gate all that you can gather (aberrant backstabs, lots of experience, tons of gold coins, a pantaloons...) gives the happyness indeed, hehe :D

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 7:05 am
by araknid70
Proverb (not sure from where)

A happy man is one who knows he has enough.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:49 am
by Coot
Just wait until you get kids... diapers, toys, college... money will make you very happy then... :rolleyes: