Does richness give the happyness?
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:44 am
I think it maybe does, al least when you own about 50million golds.
I don't know what happened. I was heading any place where to sell my goods; some pearls, a pair of diamonds, one or two plates that my enemies would never dress again, you know. I reached the Docks District and pointed to the Shadow Thieves' guild, as I had a friend there.
She offered me to view the shop, nothing interesting. So I invited her to take a look to my backpack. And oh surprise! You know? She was giving me 30million golds for my Heart Seeker +3. I thought she was suffering from some "bugs" in her shop. Maybe I was a bit bad boy... I sold my bow. Indeed, 30million golds. Oh Gods! I took a look... and she was selling me it again for only 7000. Mmm... what a pretty chance, was it? So I bought my old bow again, of course. And then she offered me about 20million golds for a sword, I don't remember which one, maybe that I have taken from the wretched body of a lich in the Gates District... mmmm...what could I do, tell me. If you are wandering from one house to other, taking the few golds you find... why not to take the chance? I sold my sword, and I bought it back. Ohhhh yeah! 50million golds. All legal. No corpses, no violence.
Perhaps she took me for an old lover, I don't know. But now I have 20million golds and no money problem forever. All the way, I cannot go back to the Shadow Thieves -sometimes I suffer pangs of conscience- as I am struggling for my destiny, the Throne of Bhaal. Being a Bhaalspam gives so maaany problems...
To calm my remorses I donate some money in a temple. And now I hate the miserly monks because 30million golds didn't increase a bit my reputation. Sob.
I don't know what happened. I was heading any place where to sell my goods; some pearls, a pair of diamonds, one or two plates that my enemies would never dress again, you know. I reached the Docks District and pointed to the Shadow Thieves' guild, as I had a friend there.
She offered me to view the shop, nothing interesting. So I invited her to take a look to my backpack. And oh surprise! You know? She was giving me 30million golds for my Heart Seeker +3. I thought she was suffering from some "bugs" in her shop. Maybe I was a bit bad boy... I sold my bow. Indeed, 30million golds. Oh Gods! I took a look... and she was selling me it again for only 7000. Mmm... what a pretty chance, was it? So I bought my old bow again, of course. And then she offered me about 20million golds for a sword, I don't remember which one, maybe that I have taken from the wretched body of a lich in the Gates District... mmmm...what could I do, tell me. If you are wandering from one house to other, taking the few golds you find... why not to take the chance? I sold my sword, and I bought it back. Ohhhh yeah! 50million golds. All legal. No corpses, no violence.
Perhaps she took me for an old lover, I don't know. But now I have 20million golds and no money problem forever. All the way, I cannot go back to the Shadow Thieves -sometimes I suffer pangs of conscience- as I am struggling for my destiny, the Throne of Bhaal. Being a Bhaalspam gives so maaany problems...
To calm my remorses I donate some money in a temple. And now I hate the miserly monks because 30million golds didn't increase a bit my reputation. Sob.