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A question on dueling

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:43 am
by mbz
When a sorceror/sorceress duels a dual classed WizardSlayer/Thief (14/X) who is equipted with the bow of gesen or other weapons that deal magical damage, in open ground, without spell preparation, without pause, without exploiting contingencies... how is the sor going to win?

Note that with improved haste, which can casted from a scroll, the WizardSlayer Thief could make 5-6 blows within a round. If all attacks are successful (Are attacks considered successful if stonskin is on?) within 2 rounds, the sor will loose all spell casting abilities...

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:15 am
by Xandax
All such thought out "experiements" are useless, in my oppinion.

You can always pit two (or more) classes against each other and think up situations where one of the classes will beat the other one.

Suppose the sorcerer has Staff of Magi, = invisibility.
Or a wand of summons that can summon up groups of critters, and then run away and prepare or ..... and so on.
Also - the Wizards Slayer could roll pure 1's on his attack roll and the Sorcerer could wack the Wizard slayer with pure 20's with his weapon. It is possible just not probable.

You can always think up things, and there is no way of figuring out what is "right and wrong".

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:43 pm
by lipe
cast time stop..............improved alacrity stone skin summon planetar time stop again....... improved alacrity 3 lower resistance 1 chain contingency 3 abi dahzim do nearest enemy..........sorceror owns.........
also i changed chain gontingency to be able to trigger lvl9 spells so:
chain continegency :time stop improved alacrity protection from magical weapons...than 4 lower resistance and some abi dahlzims.....

EDIT: the planetar is just to waste some spells lol.......

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:12 am
by hobitfromhell
The sorc could also have the cloak of mirroring which will prevent the damage from the bow of gesen I think, if its magic than it should.

Or just cast a prot. from magical weapons, now your safe long enough to cast time stop and then beat him down with lower resist and abi-dalzim's or dragons breath, then once he gets down to low health than power word: kill him.

With the staff of the magic it's even easier since you can equip it then cast time stop and you won't become visible since its a defensive spell. You could also have the cloak of non-detection on so he can't find you with detect invisibility or anything.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:54 pm
by Shadrach
Fighting against anyone using the Staff of the Magi is very difficult. Area-effect spells are just about the only thing that'll touch them... unless they're wearing the cloak of mirroring, in which case they're basically invincible. Invisibility at will is just too good. Even if the sorcerer doesn't use spells, he'll probably win, since all he has to do is get next to the WizSlayer and keep hitting him and reselecting the Staff, making him invisible again. Even gulping down potions, it's only a matter of time.

The Staff is difficult to acquire for a reason.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 4:12 am
by mbz
I heard that a character can attack another character by simply clicking on the portrait of the other, whether or not s/he is invisible...

If that's true, the staff of magi won't save the sor. The sor can't get Ston skin and PMW all on in one round, without using Contingencies...Without these two spells, the sor can't cast time stop without being spell interrupted...(though cloak of mirroring saves lives)