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Killing Kangaxx with solo sorc
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 7:31 am
by estaze
First of all, i dont know if this is a real problem for any of you, but i myself found it very difficult, dispatching kangaxx the demi-lich.
My char:
lvl 16 Sorceror
staff og magi, robe of vecna, boots of speed,
Str. 19 (girdle of hill giant strenght)
Dex. 19 (Elf)
Con. 18
Int. 18
Wis. 18
Car. 18 (ring of human influence)
As you can see i had quite good abilities

, but the battle isn't difficult at all, even if you're only lvl 16 like i. This is what i did: (i did it before underdark)
The only 2 necessary spells: Mordenkainen Sword (lvl 7) and animate dead)
Before going to his chamber, go to the adventurers Mart, and buy two Protection From Magic from Ribald, and 5 scrolls of Melfs Meteors (Is that what they are called?).
Summon one skeleton Warrior next to where kangaxx spawns. Talk to him and wake him. Go to the corner where the stairs are, so that he cant see you. Let him cast his Time Stop, and use his magics on you're single skeleton. When the Time Stops stop, you're skeleton is dead. Now, create 3 skeleton warriors more, haste them, and send to attack kangaxx. These 3 will easily kill his first form, and when the "Near Death" appears, summon two mordenkainens Swords. Cast the PFM on them, and send them to attack his demi-lich form.
When this is done, let you're sorc carefully go and spot kangaxx. Be sure that he casts his imprisonment on you're Swords. The rest is very easy. Use the meteor scrolls, and attack him. By doing the whole thing right, he should be dead before you're swords unsommons.
Hope you could use this information, if not, i've just wasted my time

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:03 am
by Yeltsu
I took him out way easier than that, all you need is the staff of rynn, ( or any other +4 or higher weapon) the simularcrum helmet, (or spell) the boots of speed and a scroll of protection from undead.
Equip the +4 weapon and the prot from undead in your quick slots, cast simulacrum, wake Kangaxx, hear his tale, and the run out of his sight, while running, have the simulacrum guy cast the prot from undead on itself, equip the +4 weapon, and whack away.
You should from time to time step back into kangaxx' line of sight to see how he is doing so that you'll be sure to get his "now I am über" speech.
After he transforms into the demilich, cast prot from undead on yourself, and go help your clone whack away with the +4 weapon.
He'll be dead in no time.
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:09 am
by Luis Antonio
Or cast prot from undead and cast energy blades, or tensers transformation, prot from undead and whack him with longsword, or...
Can we create 101 ways to slay Kanggy?? Isuppose we could.
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:11 am
by Yeltsu
Yeah, sure, I even bet we could publish it and get rich.
"101 ways to kill Kangaxx the Demi-lich"
"by the Gamebanshee SoA members"
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:24 am
by estaze
hehe yea, knew you had a bunch of other possibilities as well

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:00 am
by Luis Antonio
Yeah, indeed... and a solo character (specially when it is a plain fighter) is specially proud player maker thing.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 10:01 am
by Coot
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:46 pm
by Nightmare
Damn it Coot, you beat me to it.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:10 am
by Vicsun
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Can we create 101 ways to slay Kanggy?? Isuppose we could.[/QUOTE]
Too late...
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 7:57 am
by Yeltsu
BAH! thats just like 19 ways, we still have to come up with like 82 more ways to kill him
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 8:03 am
by Luis Antonio
First way: Cheesy and stupidish mode: CRTL Y
Second way: Use your bounty hunter traps for his first appearance. Then prot from magic on yourself, cuttroat +4 and give him death. Use potions of speed to raise number of atacks.
Third way: have your pally, wielding carsormir, wack his first form while protected from magic. load your mages with energy blades. When the second form appears, use them mages, along with your pally, to wack him in no time.
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 8:49 am
by Rob-hin
Polymorph into an ooze, again 100% magic immunity.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 1:25 pm
by Luther
Two words: Improved Azuredge.
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:45 pm
by Shadrach
Ring of the Ram works wonders. It bypasses his 90-95% physical damage resistance. Put it in your gem bag right after you use it, pull it back out, put it on, and voila! Fully charged and ready to knock the poor demi-lich back across the room as many times as it takes.
Has anyone else noticed how cruel Black Isle is to imprisoned people? You end up killing most of the people trapped in the spherical trap in the Underdark, and you slaughter Kangaxx after being imprisoned for untold thousands of years. I mean, that's not very nice, now is it?
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:03 pm
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Shadrach]...You end up killing most of the people trapped in the spherical trap in the Underdark, and you slaughter Kangaxx after being imprisoned for untold thousands of years. I mean, that's not very nice, now is it?[/QUOTE]
I mean, I dont care much about him, and if I couldnt beat him, imprision will be accepted always as true way to dispatch that foe...
And those guys on the UWorld are, specially that uhh... one, boring, dontcha agree
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 12:34 am
by stramoski
Protection From Undead
The spell description says that this only defends vs. physical attacks. If there some glitch that I'm not aware of? I used me Prot Mag/Abj because I thought the Protection from Undead was useless vs spell casters...
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:16 am
by Yeltsu
When you have Protection from undead, the undead will not notice you, not even if you begin to tickle them in the ear with a feather from a parrot!
You really don't exist as far as the undeads are concerned
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 4:10 pm
by Ekental
If you want a semi-low level way to kill the lich,
Items needed: Ring of ram (Pick-pocket of Tolgerias and/or kill him in sphere)
Set traps in the bottom left corner of the room
Let him wake up and then kill him until he assumes his demi-lich form (Via, sunray through Daystar, spells, sharp and blunt objects, etc.)
Have someone stand on the rasied stairs between the two lights that are to your left when you enter the room and hit him with the ring of the ram
The demi-lich form will get pushed into the traps you set and will die