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2 missing locations and 1 missing person

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:53 pm
by Greywulf
Cannot locate the following:

Disclaimer: I have completed all the major and side quests, barring entering the Void, so this is all after the fact...

1. Vollinger - he's supposed to be in the King's Inn and Pub in Dernholm. A gnome. But he isn't there. Does he leave after a while? Did I need to acquire him when I was in Dernholm the first time in order to have him?

2. Vollinger's Meeting Place (1230W, 982S) - not on map - I imagine i need to have Vollinger in my party for this to trigger - nothing is at the coordinates at all - is this where he goes if he leaves the party at T'sen-Ang?

3. The Castle S'nel N'fa (1385W, 643S) - nothing is there - is there some event that triggers this location? If so, what?

Bonus question:
The Dark Elf Camp (345W, 650S) near the Vendigrothian Ruins exists on the map, but the camp is empty. What triggers this location?

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 10:39 am
by Oriour
1. No Idea
2. Yeah most likely.
3. Haven't been there yet
4. It's there to locate the ruins if your on the path of evil seeing as how you can't get the info from Tulla.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:21 pm
by Greywulf
Well, still no Vollinger, but the castle is part of the trap spotting mastery quest (the master is Fitzgerald in Tarant - he triggers the area).

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 4:46 pm
by swcarter
Spoiler warning...




Vollinger is part of the Molochean Hand, and he'll turn on you after you leave T'sen-Ang. So, while I've never verified it, I suspect he'll disappear from Dernholm if you wait too long to pick him up.