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the ultimate question
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2001 8:01 am
by solduron
i have played BG2 and i was wondering should i play BG1 and ToSC ,or is playing BG2 would harm the experince ?
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2001 8:03 am
by Kayless
Play Baldur's Gate!! Some of the surprise won't be surprising after Shadows of Amn but the game still rocks. It's well worth your time, trust me.
Assassin of the Shadow Guild
"I am become death, destroyer of worlds..."
"Contrary to popular belief, a barrel full of monkeys is not half as much fun as previously advertised, and is in fact quite horrifying."
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2001 8:10 am
by Manveru
Playing BG1 after BG2 could be something interesting - maybe there are not as many interactions as it is in BG2, not so many spells, etc. but you will be able to see the first part of your PC's story.
Manveru Telkontar, a Proud Member of the Brotherhood of the Woods.
Elen sila Lumenn' Omentielvo
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2001 8:12 am
by RubberChick
there is absolutly no resons not to play BG1. It's a great game, and TOTSC is very challanging.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2001 8:19 am
by henhen least you will know the background of BG2 more clearly
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2001 9:08 am
by fable
Depends on what you liked best in BG2, frankly. If you really enjoyed the battles, interface and engine, go for BG Original. If you liked the dialog and character development, I'd suggest Planescape: Torment, instead. In some ways, BG2 is a hybrid of BG1 and P:T, and Bioware admitted that they learned a lot from what Black Isle Studios did with P:T.
If all you want is battle after battle, forget BG1, and go straight to IWD.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2001 12:01 pm
by Quitch
Yes, Baldur's Gate is really the ultimate "Party" adventure. If you're not worried about the interaction, but merely want selection, then Baldur's Gate is your heaven
Beware though, after playing BG2, the walking pace in BG is painful
. It's twice as bad if you've experienced the glory of running in PST.
Quitch, being the Ranger known as Skyhawk, is a proud member of The Brotherhood of the Woods
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2001 4:38 pm
by Locke Da'averan
BG1 is definately worth playing.
Beware though, in BG2 you can easily kill almost anything, in BG1 watchout those gnolls (not a joke)
I died in two wolves who i met in the first map right after gorion gets killed, and i was pure fighter
It's hard but it's also more challenging than BG2 IMO
There's no drows anywhere near this pla...
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2001 6:18 pm
by ThorinOakensfield
Watch out for kobolds, especially kobold capitains. When i first fought them 1 shot could kill me.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 9:40 am
by Manveru well as Kobolds with flame arrows (very annoying guys).... Ettercaps could be some problem ... especially in random encounters...(another annoying thing in BG1)...
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 11:28 am
by Quitch
Random encounters were great, it gave some meaning to travelling long distances, where as in BG2 a 2 day journey is relaly no different to traveling inside the city.
What is this thing with Gnolls? They were the one enemy who's butt I always kicked
Now Kobold Commando's, they're nasty
Quitch, being the Ranger known as Skyhawk, is a proud member of The Brotherhood of the Woods
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 11:38 am
by Kieran_Frost
Baldur Gate is great in many ways. It's in a way the reverse of Shadows of Amn, in the sense you spend the whole game trying to get to the big city, unlike SoA where you start there and take forever to leave. The main problem was I did most things before going to the city, so all my characters had gained their experience cap before entering Baldur's Gate, which made it kinda pointless. If you solo you'll get there REALLY soon.
(missing Kivan)
"Men who crave power, and recieve it, look back over the mistakes of their lives, pile it all together and call it destiny."