Chronicles of Rid****
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 6:29 pm
I just bought this game today, and I must say that it is the best movie-based game I've ever played. This definitely shows that you can make an excellent game based on a movie's IP. First off, the presentation is very good. The graphics are the best I've seen on the Xbox, especially with the good use of normal-mapping that gives surfaces and character models some excellent detail. The voice-acting is top-notch, especially Vin Diesel, whose deep, monotonous voice is perfect for the role of Rid****. Ron Perlman and Xzibit do very good jobs too. Gameplay wise, the game mixes elements from stealth, first-person fighting, FPS, and even RPG. The stealth aspect is simple, but very effective and cool to use. The FPS elements are solid with good controls, a la Halo style. The RPG elements come in the form of side-quests, health upgrades, and talking to NPCs. But the first-person fighting is very cool. It just feels right, and I don't know how to quite explain that. Each gameplay element is very solid, meaning that it doesn't break any new grounds, but it has them down just right. The only negative thing about the game is its relative shortness. It's like Max Payne 2: it's good while it lasts. But I personally feel that the $50 I plucked down is well worth it. If you own an Xbox, I suggest you check this game out.