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Generic Archer/Thief - Help!
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:50 am
by estaze
Ive installed these mods: Ascension, itemupgrade, AoE, Banter, Flirt, Tactics, Tashia, UB and EoU in order of appearence.
Now im going to start a new single player Human Generic Archer, and then dual him to thief. I want the thief to reach one or more high level abilities, so about lvl 20. At which level should i dual-class? I mean, if i am to raise the generic archer to lvl 18 or something before dualling, it will take a while
The guy in this thread: ... hp?t=30989
also have an generic archer/thief, but he is using both classes in the beginning of the game?! How do i get the most out of both classes ?
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 10:08 am
by glenfar
I believe he's doing the same thing I did - use SK to make a multi-class Archer/Thief. If you have SK, it's not too difficult to do.
As for dual-class, the 'recommended' levels are generally 9 (Max HP, regain quickly) or 12 (Max THACO), but it's really up to you. At 13 you gain one more called shot, and at 16 you gain the +2 damage with your called shot. But as you say, it takes a long time to get your Archer skills back that way.
A consideration is how large a party are you planning? If you're going 'Solo' then you're going to level up quickly, so a higher level is probably a good idea. If you're planning a full party of 6, you'll probably want to dual earlier, as you're not going to get as much XP.
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 10:12 am
by estaze
Thanks for the feedback!
Can you explain to me how, you make the Archer/thief in SK? And is it a Normal ranger archer, or is it really the generic one?
I think im going for 4 or 5 chars in my party, so it won't be fun to dual-class.
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 10:56 am
by nephtu
[QUOTE=estaze]Thanks for the feedback!
Can you explain to me how, you make the Archer/thief in SK? And is it a Normal ranger archer, or is it really the generic one?
I think im going for 4 or 5 chars in my party, so it won't be fun to dual-class.[/QUOTE]
It's dead easy. Create a multiclass vanilla fighter/thief, save your game, open it with SK, set your character's true classs to generic archer, level to zero, HPs to one, skills to what you would have as a new character but DO NOT edit EXP. Save the edited game, load that into BGII and your guy will level up to where he was and gain the relevant skill-ups to assign. Now you have a multiclass generic archer/thief.
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:09 am
by estaze
sounds really neat, thanks dude

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:30 am
by Hitman84
this doesn't involve your question but I thought you should know you may run into some problems running banter and flirt at the same time. since they both have to do with force talk they could conflict with each other.
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:13 pm
by estaze
When I am to choose the kit of my char in SK, Generic Archer isn't among them.. You can enter a value for each of them, does any of you know the value of generic archers?
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:42 pm
by glenfar
The value should be 0x40200000 (For future reference, you can always find out by creating a character of that kit, and then taking a look at it in SK.)
Also, with SK open but with no save game/character open, you'll have a Settings->Lists->Kits menu item. Go there, and you can add Generic Archer to the list. From then on, it'll show up in the list for you.
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:03 pm
by UserUnfriendly
[QUOTE=estaze]When I am to choose the kit of my char in SK, Generic Archer isn't among them.. You can enter a value for each of them, does any of you know the value of generic archers?[/QUOTE]
its much easier this way guys...
this was how i showed sytze how to make an archer multiclass...
pick elven, choose generic archer...then open sk, do NOT mess with the kit at all, just convert class to fighter/anything...
gee, i wonder how he's doing with that kensai archer mage i showed him how to do...

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 12:54 pm
by Luther
User's above method worked fine for me. I had some other problems though and needed to reinstall the game and all the mods I had. The result was that my generic archer class was replaced by the Anti-Paladin class. Both of these are in tactics so I guess with the reinstall the first was overwritten by the rest. It was a blessing though since I had about 10 levels of archer + special abilities, and the rest Anti-Paladin, which is a kick-ass class. Add my thief skills onto that and my character was way cool. Definetly my funnest time through BGII.
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 3:19 pm
by JonIrenicus
As long as you guys are talking about making custom characters, is there a way to make a Sorcerer/Monk either dual or muti-class?
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 3:21 pm
by Luis Antonio
gee, i wonder how he's doing with that kensai archer mage i showed him how to do...

Hand over the info or your life ends here!
How do you do that???
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:32 pm
by glenfar
[QUOTE=JonIrenicus]As long as you guys are talking about making custom characters, is there a way to make a Sorcerer/Monk either dual or muti-class?[/QUOTE]
Well, I doubt you can do multi, as you'd need to select a Sorcerer/Monk class, and that doesn't exist. Of course UU is the master, so he may prove me wrong ...
As for a dual, you should be able to fake it pretty well. Start off as Monk (I'm assuming ...), get up to whatever level you desire. Then open in SK, change class to Sorcerer, XP to 0 and level to 0. You should now start leveling up as a Sorcerer, while retaining your Monk abilities (wouldn't even need to surpass your Monk level first).
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:55 pm
by JonIrenicus
[QUOTE=glenfar]Well, I doubt you can do multi, as you'd need to select a Sorcerer/Monk class, and that doesn't exist. Of course UU is the master, so he may prove me wrong ...
As for a dual, you should be able to fake it pretty well. Start off as Monk (I'm assuming ...), get up to whatever level you desire. Then open in SK, change class to Sorcerer, XP to 0 and level to 0. You should now start leveling up as a Sorcerer, while retaining your Monk abilities (wouldn't even need to surpass your Monk level first).[/QUOTE]
It is actually reverse, I'll try it though. Thanks for the info - I tried to Hex'or the files but that didn't work.
EDIT: Tried it and it did retain the Monk abilities, but I really wanted a combo of sorc/monk - not just its abilities. Guess I'll just keep trying.
Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:00 am
by Sytze
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Hand over the info or your life ends here!
How do you do that???[/QUOTE]
Make an Archer (generic or normal; it doesn't matter, although I advise you to take a (half)elf because you will be a multiclass later)
Give him Use Any Item with SK, because as a Kensai, you can't use ranged weapons. And then level him up to the desired level. I levelled him up until I got the High Level Ability, because I didn't want to make him too uber.
Then go back to SK and change the class to fighter-mage and change the kit to Kensai. Set levels and experience back to zero and
voila, you've got yourself a Kensai-Mage with Archer abilities; an Archer-Kensai-Mage
I decided to not level him up ones I got in John Bons dungeon. Plus I will not give him armour, will only let him use bow, katana's and daggers and, last but not least, will only let him use Blue (defensive) spells. This way he will be a heavily fighting orientated character.
I haven't tried him out yet though. I'm too busy with my current game [shameless self-promotion] "The Deathless Journey" [/shameless self-promotion] and writing the story for it.
Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:06 am
by Sytze
[QUOTE=JonIrenicus]It is actually reverse, I'll try it though. Thanks for the info - I tried to Hex'or the files but that didn't work.
EDIT: Tried it and it did retain the Monk abilities, but I really wanted a combo of sorc/monk - not just its abilities. Guess I'll just keep trying.[/QUOTE]
It’s impossible to make a Sorcerer-Monk multiclass. They are both hardcoded and can therefore not multi. There's only one way to make some sort of Sorcerer-Monk and that is to create your own kit, which is imo quite hard.
If you want a Sorcerer-Monk, who has mage abilities, you have to, like glenfar said, start as a Monk
first. Level him up to your desired level. Go to SK and change class to Sorcerer, kit none, and set exp and level back to zero.
If you start as a Sorcerer and then change to a Monk, then you can't cast spells.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:51 am
by UserUnfriendly
[QUOTE=Sytze]It’s impossible to make a Sorcerer-Monk multiclass. They are both hardcoded and can therefore not multi. There's only one way to make some sort of Sorcerer-Monk and that is to create your own kit, which is imo quite hard.
If you want a Sorcerer-Monk, who has mage abilities, you have to, like glenfar said, start as a Monk
first. Level him up to your desired level. Go to SK and change class to Sorcerer, kit none, and set exp and level back to zero.
If you start as a Sorcerer and then change to a Monk, then you can't cast spells.

besides, i don't like the monk class much...
to get the fists of death, you have to keep the monk avatar...i believe its hard coded into the game about the fists becoming magic weapons based on the avatar...
one thing, if you're planning on making sorceror monks or sorc kensais, you must change the attacks per round after converting into sorceror...sorcerors don't increase attacks per round beyond the set one attack per round...set it to 5/2...
its quite impossible to apply multiple kits, but definately possible to fake it...

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:15 am
by estaze
cool stuff
thanks for the replies all, this definately open new oppotunities, and the generic archer/thief is really cool