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Steles in Chult Jungle.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:44 pm
by Sayne
There are 2 Steles on the temple thingy with the snake head (causes big earthquake if you take the stuff). But for me the one on the left keeps saying "locked" every time I try to collect it. I try to unlock it with my thief but he can't reach the damn thing to unlock it. Is there something wrong, or was it something stupid that I did?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 4:47 am
by Legend
All i know is that it shouldn't be locked. You should be able to take both steles without any further problems. Of course that's of not much help to you. :(

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:50 am
by M_J
Legend is right, do you have the latest patch installed? do you perhaps have a older savegame from before chult or the the tempel?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 11:57 am
by Sayne
I had to go back a while in save games, but it worked after reloading.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:46 pm
by WrathS
Same Problem

Look, I know I'm bringing up an old thread, but I have this problem, too. Three or so other people did too (I obviously searched), and answers aren't really clear cut other than to revert to older save files. I have no other save files except for one in chapter one. Yeah. I don't want to go back 50 hours because of some stupid bug. I patched the game to 2.01 and the stele (pillar as some of you call it) is still locked. I have all the other pillars, and I did NOT go in 'sequential' order. YES I know that one of the steles was with the dessicated undead and YES I got that stele. I reiterate, the only stele left is one that is locked next to an alter of Sseth in the jungle. When I first entered the area, I looted the alter and invoked his wrath. I missed both steles. I did everything and now I returned to grab both steles. One is locked. Does this have something to do with my order? Or that I invoked Sseth's wrath?

Is there a way to item cheat the stele into my inventory? Something like 'Gatekeeper'?

Do I really have to start my WHOLE game over?

Please, help is appreciated.

And by help, I mean none of this condescending stuff about telling me to search or anything like that. I bought this game when it came out, tried to beat it and all my game files got corrupt when I got to Dragon's Eye. I am just now replaying it (after a reinstall) and it would be a terrible shame to just never finish the game.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:50 pm
by ishuman
Sounds like DaleKeeper2 to the rescue. If you search this forum or go to this "links" sticky you'll find the links for downloading it and instructions to use it. Its easy to use and you should be able to bring in one of your characters and add that item to your inventory.
