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Solafein questions:

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 5:43 pm
by krunchyfrogg
Premise to this thread: I do NOT have this Mod installed, but I'm considering adding it.

Where/when do you pick him up? All I've read so far is that you can't pick him up until you reach the Underdark. I'm in the Underdark, and have just done the first Drow quest to save Phaere.

If I install this Mod now, can I still add him into my current game?

What are his stats/proficiencies?


Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 5:53 pm
by dragon wench
Solaufein will join your party when you exit the Underdark. Just before you flee you get a dialogue option that allows you to say you will meet him at the surface. His stats are pretty good.. and some people consider him to be a bit uber. His constitution is lower than you'd expect, but you can give him the Belt of Fortitude. I can't recall his stats in detail, but the information should be out there. I can tell you he dual weilds a flail and longsword (I believe); I usually give him the Flail of Ages and Daystar, and that he is a fighter/mage. This along with his abilities against the undead, while wearing the one amulet you get from the Thieves Guild, makes him unstoppable against vamps and the like :D ... Oh, and he has some interesting dialogue too.

Yes, if you install him now, you should be able to add him to your game. You'll know if it has worked if his portrait appears in the dialogue box the next time you speak with him.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 6:16 pm
by krunchyfrogg
Thanks Dragon Wench! I think I will install this mod, and give Solafein a try. If I don't like his stats or proficiencies, I'll lower/change them w/ Shadowkeeper.

The only reason I'm considering adding him is because some friends have advised me to add a backup Mage to my party. What do you think of Solafein in the following party?:

Krunchy: Berserker (13)/ Cleric
Minsc (he's a Berserker for me)
Jaheira (romance)
Imoen (Swashbuckler 10 before dual classing to Mage)

I plan on adding my big brother in ToB, and that will round out my party, filling it to 6.

BTW, will Solafein lower my Reputation like Viconia does?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 6:28 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=krunchyfrogg]Thanks Dragon Wench! I think I will install this mod, and give Solafein a try. If I don't like his stats or proficiencies, I'll lower/change them w/ Shadowkeeper.

The only reason I'm considering adding him is because some friends have advised me to add a backup Mage to my party. What do you think of Solafein in the following party?:

Krunchy: Berserker (13)/ Cleric
Minsc (he's a Berserker for me)
Jaheira (romance)
Imoen (Swashbuckler 10 before dual classing to Mage)

I plan on adding my big brother in ToB, and that will round out my party, filling it to 6.

BTW, will Solafein lower my Reputation like Viconia does?[/QUOTE]

I have had Sola in a very similar party to what you describe, and it worked extremely well.
I'm pretty sure your rep will initially be affected, but of course there are ways around this ;) Be aware that Sola will hit on your character, regardless of your PC's gender (he is bisexual), but you can gracefully let him down, and he will remain in your party.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 8:44 pm
by Ellester
Just be aware Sola is a Drow Fighter 15/Mage 15 when you pick him up. He will easily be your most powerful character in your party (since F/M's are unstoppable). I used him once, but I don't use him anymore because of his uberness. But, it is a well developed NPC, and one of the better NPC's that have been modded, so I suggest trying him out. He adds quite a bit to your game, so I recommend him (just once though LOL!)

Personally I prefer Kelsey. I change his avatar to one I can handle (I'm using the Red Xan right now, as I don't care for the default avatars) and he works out quite well. He's powerful, but not unbalancing, and he also adds quite a bit to the game.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 9:58 pm
by UserUnfriendly
[QUOTE=krunchyfrogg]Premise to this thread: I do NOT have this Mod installed, but I'm considering adding it.

Where/when do you pick him up? All I've read so far is that you can't pick him up until you reach the Underdark. I'm in the Underdark, and have just done the first Drow quest to save Phaere.

If I install this Mod now, can I still add him into my current game?

What are his stats/proficiencies?

TIA[/QUOTE] ... 0F00159AA1

:D :D :D :eek:

I met him in a city in the Underdark
He was a drow elf with skin as black as Coca-Cola,
C O C A, Cola

He was waiting for me near the city gates
I asked for his name and in a gravelly voice he said "Sola"
S O L A, Sola
So-so-so-so Sola

Well, he's been around, and he's been to school
He quotes poetry, and he's even made Boo Two,
Oh, my Sola
So-so-so-so Sola

Well, I'm not dumb, but I don't know why
All these spider chicks treat him like he's their favorite fly
Oh, my Sola
So-so-so-so Sola So-so-so-so Sola

Well, I left Amn just a week before
But even in the Underdark they got me running a chore
Solafein, he helped me to switch the egg,
So that Phaere could be taken down a peg.

Well I'm not the kind that would forget a friend,
So the dark elf came with us, we're just following a trend
With my Sola
So-so-so-so Sola So-so-so-so Sola

So-so-so-so Sola So-so-so-so Sola

Well I am the Child,
And I have the Taint,
I'm no bloody saint,
While questions spun my head
This was what that darned Sola said

"I do what I must when I must."
Realizing he was still not voiced, I was just a little fussed
Oh, my Sola
So-so-so-so Sola

You know, Wes came up with quite a card,
Though maybe the encounters shouldn't be so hard
Oh, my Sola
So-so-so-so Sola

Well, I met these elves in their little camp
Now I have to find their stupid lost lamp
Back in Amn, Bodhi stole Sola that night,
And I couldn't believe how hard was that fight,

Well after those evil stone heads gave me the sign
I'm so glad I had Sola Weimerfein
Tob with my Sola
So-so-so-so Sola So-so-so-so Sola

So-so-so-so Sola So-so-so-so Sola
So-so-so-so Sola So-so-so-so Sola

So-so-so-so Sola So-so-so-so Sola
So-so-so-so Sola So-so-so-so Sola

So-so-so-so Sola So-so-so-so Sola
So-so-so-so Sola So-so-so-so Sola

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:14 pm
by dragon wench
OMG!!! ROFLMAO! That is one of the funniest things I have read on these forums! :p

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:23 pm
by UserUnfriendly
[QUOTE=dragon wench]@UserUnfriendly,
OMG!!! ROFLMAO! That is one of the funniest things I have read on these forums! :p [/QUOTE]

yes, i am one of those awful fanfic are some of my stories and songs, more in the fanfic forum.. ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:29 pm
by fable
Let's keep the threads focused on their subjects, all. If you wanna spam, check out SYM (Speak Your Mind) and go for it. :)

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:52 pm
by krunchyfrogg
[QUOTE=dragon wench]
Yes, if you install him now, you should be able to add him to your game. You'll know if it has worked if his portrait appears in the dialogue box the next time you speak with him.[/QUOTE]

Problem numero uno:

I did everything I was instructed to do in the readme, and the next time I spoke to Solaufein, his pic wasn't there.

Maybe I'll go with Kelsey instead. If I were to add him later in the game, what level would he be?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 7:07 pm
by dragon wench
Hmm... Maybe you need to install the mod before first speaking to him then, I wasn't sure if it would make a difference...

Kelsey is good, you might also want to consider Tasha as a sorcerer. I have her in my party presently and she is working out well.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 9:00 pm
by nephtu
They're both fine..

Tashia and Kelsey are both fine Sorcerors. Her kittie is nice, but so's Kelsey's cloak. The uninitiated may look at Kelsey's low INT and go ewwww... but Sorcerors don't need INT (gasp).

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:02 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=nephtu]Tashia and Kelsey are both fine Sorcerors. Her kittie is nice, but so's Kelsey's cloak. The uninitiated may look at Kelsey's low INT and go ewwww... but Sorcerors don't need INT (gasp).[/QUOTE]

This is from the following link here at Game Banshee: ... rcerer.php


Available Races


Primary Attributes

Intelligence (9 Minimum)
Charisma (9 Minimum)

I know that charisma is a primary requisite for a sorc in 3 rd. edition rules in IWD2 and NWN, but the available information does not seem very clear for SoA (which I believe is advanced D&D rules). If anyone can clarify that would be great :)

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:06 pm
by Bloodstalker
I never played with Kelsey, but Tashia is a powerful character.

I'd say try loading a save before you talked to him and see if that makes a difference like DW said.

Oh, and just for the record, I agree, tashias kitty was very nice. She even let me pet it a couple times, and I found it much better than a cloak :D

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 7:36 am
by Bad Karma
Re: Sorcerors and intelligence

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the blurb describing the class when you create a character, doesn't it say something about a sorceror's prime requisite being intelligence?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:51 am
by nephtu
Yes it does..

[QUOTE=Bad Karma]Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the blurb describing the class when you create a character, doesn't it say something about a sorceror's prime requisite being intelligence?[/QUOTE]

It says that, yes. But it isn't true - there are some other posts on this subject, but sorcerors don't need to memorize spells or get affected by the max. spells per level thing, so are almost completely unaffected by INT, so long as they have enough to use wands, etc.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:19 pm
by krunchyfrogg
Taisha vs. Kelsey:

Which is less/more powerful? Which is better developed?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:27 pm
by Thrain
i'd say tashia is more powerful (her personal item is quite overpowered) but as spellcasters they're about equal.

not having player the tashia romance, i couldn't say which is better developed. but kelsey was interesting enough to keep me hooked.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:34 pm
by dragon wench
In terms of overall powerful characters, I'd say Tashia is marginally better. It is a while since I have used Kelsey, but I vaguely recall that he tends to be a little more fragile, though my memory may well be faulty. Regarding personality, I'd say they are both good, though Kelsey does seem to have quite a lot more dialogue with party members and random NPCs. Ultimately it really depends on the sort of party you want to have, and any NPC (with the possible exception of Cernd IMO) can be skilled and powerful if you play up their strengths.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:20 pm
by SP101
I used both Tashia, Kelsey and Solafein.

Here's what I think of them :

- Nice spell selection, but not perfect
- Well-Balanced
- I love his cloack :)

- Really great spell repertory
- A little too powerfull because of her pet
- Her pet is immune to Time Stop, so Tashia cast time stop, summon him, haste him and the pet is just doing all the job within no time.

- Loads of XP at start (He start lvl 15/15!!!)
- A "basic" equipement (Fire Protection Ring, Fire Wand, Long Sword +2 (+1 cold dmg), Drow Flail, Drow Adamantite Chain Mail +5, etc.)
- He's really nice in term of NPC because he have lots of dialogs.