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Druid Stronghold problems

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 10:10 am
by UncleScratchy
I'm playing a fighter dualed to druid. Did the Trademeet quest to get rid of Faldorn, etc. Later when my F/D made level 14 druid I went back to the druid grove and fought the challenge master to become Great Druid. I didn't wait for the druid messenger to appear before going back to the grove as I wasn't aware there was a messenger. Anyway according to the walkthru's I should have been approached by the Spirit of the Grove after 8 hours lapsed after becoming Great Druid. It's been many days now and I still haven't gotten that visit or any stronghold quests. The DRUIDSTONGHOLD global variable is set to "1". Did I screw up something or is this a bug due to being a F/D dual class? Anyway to kick in the quests by resetting the globals? I've got the Baldurdash FixPack v1.12 and UB v8 mods installed. According to the FixPack Readme notes this bug should have been fixed. Did I screw up by not waiting for the messenger? Any ideas? Thanks.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 11:09 am
by Ekental
you may need to rest outside or in an inn before the thingy appears,
Also there should be a timer or some such in the global variables, check shadowkeeper for something like SPIRITMESSAGE, or some such.
Or you could've totally screwed yourself by not getting the messenger first and need to go all the way back and start over :D hope this helps!

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 11:34 am
by Thrain
rest in the grove itself