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Wizard Slayer
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 3:34 am
by Pepsimax_x5
I've seen a lot of FAQs calling the Wizard Slayer useless just cuz he cant wear rings and amulets. Funny that all them say Kensai and Monks rule when they cant even wear armour (I got nothing against them just pointing out something). With my WS (Corlis) i beat the lich in the gates as soon as i got out of Jonny's dungeon. Then i read a creature FAQ and it said that Liches r one of the strongest creatures in the game. Once i was bored so i loaded my tree of life save and killed irenicus with my fists. That was when my Slayer had 38% resistance. Am i the only one who thinks a wizard slayer is one odf the most powerful classes?
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:08 am
by mbz
Although I haven't played a Wizard Slayer before, I'm with you on this one...10% cumulative spell cast failure is unbelievable(I don't know if Protection from magical weapons prevents this from happening--anyone got an idea???)...After dualing your wizard slayer to a thief, he can easily raise his magic resistence to 100% with the help of magic items.
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:38 am
by Sytze
I agree with you that Wizard Slayers are not useless. The Magic Resistance is really great and the Spell Disruption isn't bad either. Further more, I think a WS is a great role-playing character. If you're in that sorts of playing style, that is.
Considering the Ring,Amulet/Armor comparisement; I must say that I find it more useful to wear rings and amulets, then armor.
There are great rings, such as the Ring of Regeneration, -Gaxx, Free Action and, if you have the Item upgrade Mod, even better ones.
Amulets are not as great as certain rings, but some are certainly nice, such as the Amulet of Power. Or those that higher your magic resistance.
I know that some armors can give protection from multiple elements (fire, cold, acid, etc) and that some rings only give protection against one type of element (Ring of Fire for example), but in the end, I would prefer the little jewelry. Certainly considering that you can get the great Ring of Gaxx at a certain point, and that you can higher your magic resistance more with rings and amulets, then with armor.
But that is just my own opinion. To each his own.
Ohh, and welcome to the forums.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:41 am
by Pepsimax_x5
Thanx. Wow this forum is really nice. In a wrestling foum i was on i got 3 guys twisting the words in every one of my posts. Back on topic WS can wear boots of speed as well as gaunlets of crushing and amulet of selardine which IMO is the best amulet. Yeah the spell failiurre works on protection for magic weapons. As long as you roll a hit it works. Ring of Gaxx is gr8 but if your PC dont use it someone else can.
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:58 am
by Coot
I agree with you on the WS. The Kensai only has the kai-ability which doesn't compensate for his weaknessess (no armor and braces and helmets and stuff). IMHO the Kensai is a bit overrated.
Still, the designers clearly intended for some kits to have some serious restrictions. For Rangers, for example, it's the Beastmaster. For fighters, it's WS. For druids, it's Cernd

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:38 am
by VonDondu
[QUOTE=Coot]IMHO the Kensai is a bit overrated...[/QUOTE]
On the other hand, you'll have an awesome character if you dual a Kensai to a Mage. Have you ever played a Wizard Slayer dualled to a Mage?

(Search this forum and you'll find someone who once did.)
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:48 am
by nephtu
Wizard slayers are ok, they're not severly lame, like beastmasters, transmuters, and single class druids. They're just not super-powered.
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:34 am
by Luis Antonio
Wizard slayer, remember my words.
Dual thee at ToB,
Be a thief,
Uai is your best gift,
Carsormyr whack and slash,
Magic stops, imunity boosts.
I soloed Maevar compound with an Wizard Slayer. No big deal, since magic couldnt hit me. I soloed mages by sitting around while they run with fingers of death and disintegrate over me. Then, when they started to try to wack me with bare hands, I just waited for theyr protections to go out and wacked them with any weapon. Really, WS rocks. But is that 1% per level thing that is screwed - and gives out bad outcome. I was using a mod where 4% per level was gained. And that was cheesy.
Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:45 pm
by Ekental
By ToB armor really doesn't matter much anymore, people are basically gonna hit you no matter what armor you wear eventually, so having a bad AC isn't exactly an incredible detriment. For a kensei, if you want good AC, the amulet of shield or periodic barksins solve the problem. Or potions of defense too.
WS are nice, but I find that rings and amulets are arguably as important or even more important than armor. Personally I don't think WS are worth it, as they can obviously take down wizzies quickly but aren't incredible vs everything else, and there are many other ways of killing wizzies without using the WS casting failure attacks, (though it IS very nice)
Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 12:30 am
by Pepsimax_x5
[QUOTE=VonDondu]On the other hand, you'll have an awesome character if you dual a Kensai to a Mage. Have you ever played a Wizard Slayer dualled to a Mage?

(Search this forum and you'll find someone who once did.)[/QUOTE]
lol I did that once. Crappy as a mage but it's ultimate mage killer.