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level up problem

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 3:53 pm
by Valhallen
After coming out from Irenicus Prison all my characters (except of Yoshimo) had reached another level and with few tries ive managed to roll some good HP. Problem is that in next level ups, when their turn came few battles later, i can't roll any decent HP upgrade. Even after tens of reloads all i've got was +4HP for Yoshimo and +2HP for Anomen and +3 for Jaheira !!

Someone, please help becouse i've just started the game and i'm already frustrated !


Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:13 pm
by glenfar
That's normal :(

After level 9, you get a fixed number of HP/level. Fighter types get 3, Mage types get 1, and everyone else gets 2.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:00 am
by Valhallen
But everything will return to normal while advancing next level, yes ? Nevertheless they could have writen such information down in the manual !!

Another question: Does the temporary boost to condition increase the number of HP a caracter can receive ?


Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:31 am
by Xandax
But everything will return to normal while advancing next level, yes ? Nevertheless they could have writen such information down in the manual !!

Actually - that information is in the manual.
It is visible in the class progression tables in the back, where it says how many "Hit Dice" any class has at the levels shown.

So you will see, for instance a fighter at level 9; he will have 9d10 (that is a maximum of 90, before con. modifiers), but at level 10 he will have 9d10+3 (max of 93) at 11 he will have 9d10+6 (max 96) and so forth. (again - before Con. modifiers).
Which is where glenfar's post comes in. After level 9 every class will get a fixed amount of hitpoints, and not a new dice roll.

Another question: Does the temporary boost to condition increase the number of HP a caracter can receive ?
Not if you mean permanent HP. Temporary boots only gives temporary benefits.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 7:26 am
by araknid70
The CON boost to HP act only upon the first 9 levels (i.e. those with dice rolls). Therefore regardless of your CON at levels 9 and above your HP increase per level won't reflect any con bonus.

In fact, you can take the CON bonus as a bonus x level to a max of 9. It works totally outside of your HP and other stats. That's why editing HP in SK doesn't reflect the CON bonus received, just like changing Thac0 doesn't take into consideration STR.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 7:56 am
by Thrain
i thought if you DUHM before you level up the HPs from the con bonus stayed with you?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:11 am
by glenfar
[QUOTE=Thrain]i thought if you DUHM before you level up the HPs from the con bonus stayed with you?[/QUOTE]

Can't say I've ever tried that, but I doubt it has any affect on your max HP.

It can affect you current HP though. Basically casting it increases both current and max HP, but when it wears off only the max will revert back. (Although you can't increase the current beyond your max). It has about the same affect as casting a cure-medium-wounds. Note though that only fighter-types get CON bonuses above 16 though.

If you need a bigger cure (minor CHEESE): Try casting DUHM and then resting! If you get your CON up to the 20+ range, you'll actually have some natural regeneration happening. And somehow the DUHM stays in affect the whole 8 hours you're asleep. It's a great way to heal yourself if you ever want to solo without a cleric.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 10:18 am
by Bad Karma
IRT the cheese above....(highlight)-----how would you cast DUHM without a cleric?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 10:35 am
by Shadrach
It often shows up as an innate ability at the start of the game, especially if you're good/neutral.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 10:51 am
by glenfar
[QUOTE=Shadrach]It often shows up as an innate ability at the start of the game, especially if you're good/neutral.[/QUOTE]

Never realized it was dependent on alignment - but then I've always played good characters ... could be interesting to find out what all the innate "Child of Bahl" abilities are.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 11:50 am
by glenfar
OK, I gave it a try, and there seems to be some randomness to it. Near as I can tell, here's how it works:

'Good' abilities - 2 Cure lights, 2 Slow poison, 2 Draw upon holy might
'Evil' abilities - 2 Larloch minor drain, 2 Horror, 2 Vampiric touch

LG characters get all 6 good abilities
CE characters get all 6 evil abilities

In between you'll get a mix - but the closer you are to LG, the more good abilities you'll get. And the closer you are to CE, the more evil abilities.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:15 pm
by Ekental
Err... I think this info is either in one of the FAQs in this forum or in one of gamefaq's FAQs if you want to look it up, btw I do know that they are NOT random, but dependent solely on alignment

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:17 pm
by glenfar
[QUOTE=Ekental]Err... I think this info is either in one of the FAQs in this forum or in one of gamefaq's FAQs if you want to look it up, btw I do know that they are NOT random, but dependent solely on alignment[/QUOTE]

Um ... no it isn't

I tried it, and I can create two characters, same alignment, with different Bahl abilities (except for LG and CE). Maybe I have a mod installed that's changed that for me, but I've never seen anything like that in the readme files.