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becoming redoran hort??

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:18 pm
by Sean The Owner
ok so this is whats wrong, i am doing the blades quests and now i have to become 'hort' of the three great houses...i would be able to do it except that i have a bounty and the thieves guild wont take me in so i can get rid of my debt. if anyone can help me on how do get rid of my debt or to be able to talk to redorans with a bounty please tell me.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:56 am
by JesterKing
death penalty??? because for the sake of the quest it could be worth it to lose a few stat points bye going to jail. dump everythign you have or have stolen into a safe place, go to jail, pick it up afterwards and its nothign a little training cant cure. other than that... why wont theieves guild accept you? can you just kill the guards and keep talking to the nobles, right? or are you not at a skill level where you can do that yet? ok well if you have a death penalty theres not much you can do about it without theives guild assistance unfortunately. do you have a previous saved game?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 6:16 am
by lifeishell91
You can use Calm Humanoid on the councillors and then charm them with a spell or with bribes in order to speak to them, when you try to get to them, avoid the guards or just turn invisible because then they will run away from so you can talk to the councillors.

Hope this helps! :p

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 11:41 am
by giles337
along these same lines, i kinda when on a mad blade killing spree, and now caius wont talk to me. is there anyway to rekinfle our love :D ???????

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 10:20 pm
by Sean The Owner
thanx for the ideas im going to try the calm humanoid, the only problem with the going to jail idea was that the guards wont talk to me, they just attack me and the thieves guild says they require skills that i dont have and no one in the redoran council place talk to me, not even the people that arent guards. Thanx for the idea anywayz jesterking.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:57 am
by lifeishell91
[QUOTE=Sean The Owner]thanx for the ideas im going to try the calm humanoid, the only problem with the going to jail idea was that the guards wont talk to me, they just attack me and the thieves guild says they require skills that i dont have and no one in the redoran council place talk to me, not even the people that arent guards. Thanx for the idea anywayz jesterking.[/QUOTE]

JesterKing wasn't the only person who gave you an idea, :mad: Humph!
Last time I help YOU!


Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 11:31 am
by Sean The Owner
[QUOTE=lifeishell91]JesterKing wasn't the only person who gave you an idea, :mad: Humph!
Last time I help YOU!

;) [/QUOTE]
sorry about that lifeishell91 i forgot what your name was, so thanks for the idea