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Mae-var's quest

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 10:38 am
by Zaha
I work for Renal Bloodscalp to reveal Mae-var's treachery. Mae-var told me to get a golden statuette from the temple of Lathander. I was supposed to do it quietly, but every time I open the safe the statuette is in an alarm sounds and everyone starts attacking me. Is it possible to get the statuette without a fight, or will I have to kill all the guards?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 10:46 am
by sigurd
i always kill them, its the right path if you are evil.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 10:47 am
by Zaha
Yes, that might be the right path, but as I was told to to it quietly, I wondered if it's possible.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 10:51 am
by sigurd
Only thing i can think of is using priest spell find traps or have a huge find traps.

But to kill them all works fine too, i have tried

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 10:54 am
by Bruce Lee
Yeah I had huge problems with that too. Cast sanctuary. Get a thief to pick the lock and get the priest to open the safe and take the statue. Try to do this when no one is watching.

Proud member of the Brotherhood of the woods.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 11:03 am
by Angelus
If you go to the temple at night, there are less people around.
You can open the safe and leave unnoticed.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 11:06 am
by RubberChick
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you suppose to get a neckless from the temple of (I don't remember)
I have just revealed Mae-var's treachery and I was never asked to get any golden statuette.
Is hte quesst different if you're evil maybe ?
Cause I just had to steal a neckless from a sleeping woman

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 11:08 am
by Manveru
Possibly you are good or neutral aligned - In this quest you have to steal the necklace from the Temple of Talos.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 11:41 am
by fable
It is alignment-based, I think. My neutral/evil party also got the Talos necklace challenge. Simple to do: just go in there after dark with Jan, and pick the lock.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 3:16 pm
by Sojourner
Yes, it's definitely alignment-based. If your protaganist is evil, he/she gets to steal the statuette from the Temple of Lathander. Otherwise, he/she gets to steal the Talos necklace. Also, you can disarm the traps and pick the locks on the containers in the Lathander temple anytime, you just can't open them when someone's around.

**This is wrong, see my post below. Image

There's nothing a little poison couldn't cure...

[This message has been edited by Sojourner (edited 04-06-2001).]

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 3:50 pm
by KensaiRyu
Hmm in my current game Chaotic evil has to get the necklace too. Maybe next game be Lawful evil or somethin...Only wanted to be evil for the Human flesh +5 anyway.

KensaiRyu, Grand Master of the Saints of the Sword.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 8:17 pm
by Sir Percy
Originally posted by KensaiRyu:
Hmm in my current game Chaotic evil has to get the necklace too. Maybe next game be Lawful evil or somethin...Only wanted to be evil for the Human flesh +5 anyway.

Is it not reputation-based?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 1:07 am
by Sojourner
OK, I've checked again, and it is reputation-based (so disregard my previous post). If your reputation < 10, then you get the "steal the statue from Lathander temple" quest. Otherwise, you get the "steal the Talos necklace" quest.

There's nothing a little poison couldn't cure...