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Questions about Haer Dalis'

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2001 4:27 pm
by GComer6574
Right now I just aquired Haer Dalis, and I have a few questions before I decide to have in my gorup for any amount of time.
1.) I noticed Haer and Jaheria got into argument right away... Has any one had serious problems with these two? Also I am trying to romance Jaheria, will having Haer in my gorup affect anything?
2.) I know he can cast mage spells, is it wise to have him learn any spells? And if it is, cant bards only reach a maxium of a level 7 spell? Or does it go all the way to level 9 spells?
Also one more question, does it work well to stash extra crap in the upstairs of the Five Flagons Inn, in one of the rooms. Just got some extra stuff I want to drop off, will it be safe there?
Thanks a lot

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2001 4:42 pm
by The Outsider
As most people on this board will tell you, HD is cr*p. Bad fighter, dysfunctional mage, and marginal thief. But, he apparently has a great personality <winning smile>. If you're into roleplaying, go for it- I don't think the HD - J kvetsching is fatal, and might make it more interesting.

Good luck.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2001 11:51 am
by lama
I am not the most people and i like Haer Dalis a lot. the maximum level of spells for bards is 6. as you will probebly know you can bypass the low intelligence with potions so you can have all spells. when Haer Dalis is level 16 he will be able to cast tensers transformation (double hitpoints and thaco of fighter of the same level + armour bonus) this tranforms him in the best fighter in the game if you add some spell protections like stoneskin he becomse unstoppeble. I do not know if they interfere with the romance but I have never had any serius problems with them