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NPC's dying

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2001 2:26 am
by jambo81
Normally in the game when one of my NPC's dies I go to a temple to resurrect them or I use a spell to bring them back. During the fight against Irenicus in the asylum some of my characters died. Actually the only survivors where myself(paladin) and anomen. I managed to resurrect alle the rest of my NPC's but Minsc was really gone and I could not get him back, his portait was not just grey but it was gone. Does this mean he really is death and I can't bring him back?
If it does, when do the NPC's really die beyond resurrection?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2001 2:33 am
by sigurd
He probbaly was disintegrated. read what that one does in manual

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2001 2:36 am
by Drakron DuĀ“Dark
Yes, level drain could also perment kill a NPC, to prevent that lower the dificulty to normal setting.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2001 2:41 am
by jambo81
Oh, what the heck, who needs minsc anyway, the only thing he does is whine about his hamster. I've got me(paladin) and anomen to hack and slash and I've got imoen and Aerie(my love) to fire some magic from behind the lines. Thx for the quick answers by the way.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2001 3:58 am
by Gruntboy
If a character suffers an "explosive death" (you'll know it when you see one) they cannot be resurected.

Explosive deaths:

Reduced to -10 HP in one attack.
Critical hit kills.
Turned to stone/ice and then hit;
Other magic attacks etc. etc.