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Dual Problem, help

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 7:01 pm
by Akubi
I have a mage, but I want to dual a preist.

Once I dual my class, all the wizard spells disabled. What's going on here? Please help.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 7:40 pm
by Yoshimo
you should get your mage spells when your priest level surpasses your mage level, if you dualed at a lvl 10 mage, when you become a lvl 11 cleric youll have your spells, and id do it in the reverse for the cleric special kit, might as well take the free bonus spell.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 7:53 pm
by Akubi
My mage is already lvl 20, I have the exp cap removed. So my priest must exceed lvl 20, seems like a hard thing to do here.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 8:32 pm
by Lykwid
Its a much better option to make a mage/cleric multi-class , in my opinion anyways. :)


Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 1:19 am
by UserUnfriendly
Mage cleric multi, not dual is rediculously over powered killing machine, in many ways better than kensai!!! in fighter heavy party, could be all the magic support you need....

some cheese tactics for aerie,

contingency heal, target self at hp below 50...never die.

mass ressurection, heals entier party at once!!! righteous magic, at high levels will turn mage cleric into unstoppable meelee machine, w/o whirlwinds...

finally, dragon killer...better than paladin with holy avenger!!!

I usually use tow mages for this, but will try with aerie on red dragon. get spell trigger, and wait until chap 6 o you can buy chain contingency off ribauld. you get spell trigger somewher in underdark.

setup spell trigger with lower resist and mailison. I usually get two mages to do this, but one cleric mage should work...

set up chain with nearest enmey and triple implosions, what I call "fingersnaps of a god"

go up to dragon in blue, unload spell trigger and even before its contingencies go up, yours will trigger...due to dragon HAS to init dialog when you attack.

result, one screen tremble later, dead lizard.

sanctuary blade barrior or globe of blades
sanctuary turn undead